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EIO_CLI(8) eio_cli EIO_CLI(8)


eio_cli - EnhanceIO command line interface


eio_cli create -d <src device> -s <SSD device> [-p <policy>] [-m <cache mode>] [-b <block size>] -c <cache name>
eio_cli delete -c <cache name>
eio_cli clean -c <cache name>
eio_cli info
eio_cli edit [-p <policy>] [-m <cache mode>] -c <cache name>


EnhanceIO is a block device caching software that uses an SSD as cache for traditional HDDs. The eio_cli command line interface is intended to serve the purpose of administering the caches. The eio_cli command takes the first argument as a sub-command, rest of the arguments are options specific to the sub-command.


eio_cli create options

Creates a new cache by associating an SSD device with a source device.

-d <source device>

Specifies the source device.

-s <SSD device>

Specifies the SSD device.

-c <Cache name >

Specifies the Cache name.

[-p <policy>]

Cache block replacement policy. Policies are: lru, fifo(default), rand(random).

[-m <cache mode>]

Specifies the caching mode. Supported caching modes are: ro(Read-Only), wt(default: Write-Through), wb(Write-Back).

[-b <block size>]

Specifies the block size of each single cache entry. Block size are: 2048, 4096(default), 8192.

eio_cli delete options

Deletes a pre-existing cache.

-c <Cache name>

Specifies the Cache name.

eio_cli clean options

Cleans a pre-existing cache.

-c <Cache name>

Specifies the Cache name.

eio_cli info

Displays information of existing cache devices.

eio_cli edit options

Modifies the properties of a cache.

-c <Cache name>

Specifies the Cache name.

[-p <policy>]

Cache block replacement policy. Policies are: lru, fifo(default), rand(random).

[-m <cache mode>]

Specifies the caching mode. Supported caching modes are: ro(Read-Only), wt(Write-Through), wb(Write-Back).


# Create a cache
$ eio_cli create -d /dev/sdg -s /dev/sdf -p lru -m wt -c SDG_CACHE
$ eio_cli create -d /dev/sdm -s /dev/sdk -c SDM_CACHE
$ eio_cli create -d /dev/sdc1 -s /dev/sdd1 -c SDC1_CACHE

# Display properties of the cache devices
$ eio_cli info

# Edit the properties of the cache SDG_CACHE
$ eio_cli edit -p fifo -c SDG_CACHE
$ eio_cli edit -p rand -m ro -c SDG_CACHE

# Delete the cache SDG_CACHE
$ eio_cli clean -c SDG_CACHE

# Clean the cache SDG_CACHE
$ eio_cli clean -c SDG_CACHE


STEC, Inc. <> Sanoj Unnikrishnan <>

May 25, 2012