.\" t .\" @(#)Wharf.1 02/24/2024 .TH Wharf 1x "AfterStep v.2.2.12" "Feb 24 2024" "AfterStep X11 window manager" .UC .SH NAME \fBWharf\fP\ \- AfterStep module for launching or docking applications aka button bar .SH MyStyle DEFINITIONS .IP "MyStyle ""*WharfTile""" Specifies the style of the wharf button tiles, including background color, background pixmap (which may be transparent), and background gradient\&. This method of specifying the background is preferred over the BgColor, MaxColors, Pixmap, TextureColor, and TextureType options, although those (older) options do still work\&. See \fIMyStyle\fP format for details\&. .IP "MyStyle ""*WharfOddTile""" Specifies the style of every odd wharf button tile\&. See \fIMyStyle\fP format for details\&. .IP "MyStyle ""*WharfFocusedTile""" Specifies the style of the wharf button tile under the mouse pointer, including background color, background pixmap (which may be transparent), and background gradient\&. See \fIMyStyle\fP format for details\&. .IP "MyStyle ""*WharfOddFocusedTile""" Specifies the style of every odd wharf button tile under the mouse pointer\&. See \fIMyStyle\fP format for details\&. .SH CONFIGURATION OPTIONS .IP "AlignContents \fILeft,Top,Right,Bottom,HTiled,VTiled,HScaled,VScaled,HCenter,VCenter\fP " That will force contents of each Wharf's button to be aligned to either side of the button, when FitContents is not used\&. See Also: Alignment flags for further details\&. .IP "Animate" If specified, the opening and closing of Folders will be animated, rather than simply drawn in one frame\&. .IP "AnimateDelay" Specifies the \fIdelay\fP in milliseconds that the animation will pause between each move when opening or closing a folder\&. .IP "AnimateMain" Designates that full\-length \fBWharf\fP withdraws will be animated\&. .IP "AnimateSteps" Specifies the \fIsteps\fP a Folder takes in animating while opening or closing\&. This translates into the Folder button moving button\-size/ \fIsteps\fP pixels each step\&. .IP "AnimateStepsMain" Specifies the \fIsteps\fP the main Wharf takes in iconification or de\-iconification upon mouse button 3 being pressed\&. This translates into the main Wharf moving / \fIsteps\fP pixels each step\&. .IP "BalloonBorderHilite" Defines bevel to be drawn around balloons \- replaces the BorderWidth setting\&. See Also: Bevel flags for further details\&. .IP "BalloonCloseDelay \fInumber\fP " Specifies the period in milliseconds to delay the disappearance of the balloon when leaving window with the mouse\&. .IP "BalloonDelay \fInumber\fP " Specifies the period in milliseconds to delay the appearance of the balloon\&. .IP "BalloonStyle \fIMyStyle\fP " MyStyle to be used to draw balloon\&. Note that balloons could be shaped (BackPixmap 125 and 126)\&. .IP "BalloonTextPaddingX size" width of the border around the text in balloons\&. .IP "BalloonTextPaddingY size" height of the border around the text in balloons\&. .IP "BalloonXOffset" The balloon window is positioned to be horizontally centered against the \fBWharf\fP window it is describing\&. The horizontal position may be set as an offset\&. Negative offsets of\-Nare placed \fIN\fP pixels left of the \fBWharf\fP window, positive offsets of \fI+N\fP are placed \fIN\fP pixels right of the window\&. Defaults to +2\&. .IP "BalloonYOffset" The balloon window is positioned to be horizontally centered against the \fBWharf\fP window it is describing\&. The vertical position may be set as an offset\&. Negative offsets of\-Nare placed \fIN\fP pixels above the \fBWharf\fP window, positive offsets of \fI+N\fP are placed \fIN\fP pixels below\&. Defaults to +2\&. .IP "Balloons" Turns on the balloon feature\&. A "balloon" is displayed showing the name of the button the pointer is resting on in the \fBWharf\fP \&. The balloon background and text are configured with the MyStyle "*WharfBalloon"\&. See \fIafterstep(1x)\fP for more information on MyStyles\&. .IP "Bevel \fINone|[Left,Top,Right,Bottom,Extra,NoOutline]\fP " Determines exact size and shape of the 3D bevel drawn around each button\&. This option is somewhat synonymous to NoBorder\&. If NoBorder is encountered after Bevel \- then it will override Bevel, otherwise Bevel will override NoBorder\&. See Also: Bevel flags for further details\&. .IP "Columns" Specifies the number of \fIcolumns\fP of buttons to be created\&. This will give your \fBWharf\fP a vertical layout, with the number of columns equal to the number specificed in \fIcolumns\fP \&. If unspecified, the number of columns will be set to 1\&. If the \fIcolumns\fP are set to a number greater than 1, then there will be that number of columns with enough rows to satisfy the requested number of buttons\&. Only one of \fI*WharfRows\fP or \fI*WharfColumns\fP should be specified\&. .IP "CompositionMethod \fItesture_type\fP " Determines algorithm used to blend all the icons and Wharf background to form the button's image\&. Valid es are 130\-145 ( see MyStyles section )\&. The default value is 131 ( alpha\-blending ) .IP "FitContents" Wharf will draw each button so that it fits its contents perfectly (icon or swallowed app )\&. That will cause some of the Wharf's buttons to differ in size from others\&. Use in conjunction with ShapeToContents\&. .IP "FlipLabel" Will cause Wharf to draw vertical label text\&. .IP "FolderOffset \fIsize\fP " sets the distance between opened folder and its parent\&. .IP "ForceSize \fISize\fP " If specified, will force pixmaps to Size instead of the default of 64x64\&. This has no effect on the Size of the displayed icons (they will be croped if larger)\&. .IP "Geometry" Specifies the \fBWharf\fP window location and/or size\&. If the size is not specified, Wharf will auto\-size itself in a reasonable manner\&. The \fIgeometry\fP is a standard X11 window geometry specification; see \fIXParseGeometry(3x)\fP , and \fIEXAMPLES\fP (below) for further details\&. .IP "LabelLocation \fInumber\fP " Specifies the location of the label\&. Correct values are integers from 0\-32\&. label could be drawn on each side of the button and just on top of icon\&. It could also be aligned to different sides\&. .IP "MyStyle" Specifies the style of the wharf button tiles, including background color, background pixmap (which may be transparent), and background gradient\&. This method of specifying the background is preferred over the BgColor, MaxColors, Pixmap, TextureColor, and TextureType options, although those (older) options do still work\&. See Also: MyStyle definition for further details\&. .IP "NoBalloons" Do not show Balloons in Wharf\&. .IP "OrthogonalFolderOffset \fIsize\fP " sets the offset of an opened folder relative to its parent orthogonal to the opening direction\&. In other words this can be used to move the opened folder parallel to its parent .IP "Rows" Specifies the number of \fIrows\fP of buttons to be created\&. This will give your \fBWharf\fP a horizontal layout, with the number of rows equal to the number specified in \fIrows\fP \&. If unspecified, the number of rows will be set to 1\&. If the \fIrows\fP are set to a number greater than 1, then there will be that number of rows with enough columns to satisfy the requested number of buttons\&. Only one of \fI*WharfRows\fP or \fI*WharfColumns\fP should be specified\&. .IP "ShapeToContents" Will cause Wharf to use X Shaped extensions and have a window of non\-rectangular shape\&. Shape is composed from the overall geometry of buttons ( see FitContents ), shape of the MyStyle used to draw Wharf background ( if BackPixmap 126 or 125 is used ), contents of each button \- such as swallowed app's shape, label and icons\&. .IP "ShowHints" FIXME: add proper description here\&. See Also: Balloon Contents flags for further details\&. .IP "ShowLabel" Tells Wharf to render a label on each of its buttons, effectively immitating the behaviour of the discontinued Zharf module\&. .IP "Sound" FIXME: add proper description here\&. See Also: Wharf sound definition for further details\&. .IP "StretchBackground" This should allow for all kinds of skins where each button is just a part of large shaped figure\&. .IP "WithdrawStyle" Specifies the circumstances under which button 3 should cause the Wharf to withdraw to a corner\&. If style is 0, button 3 will do nothing\&. If style is 1 (the default), a click on any button in the toplevel bar will cause Wharf to withdraw to the nearest corner\&. If style is 2, a click on either the first or the last button in the toplevel bar will cause the withdrawal\&.