.mso www.tmac .TH icestormadmin 1 .SH NAME icestormadmin - The IceStorm administration tool. .SH SYNOPSIS icestormadmin [options] [file...] .SH DESCRIPTION The IceStorm administration tool is a command-line program that provides administrative control of an IceStorm server. Full documentation for icestormadmin is available online at: .br https://doc.zeroc.com/display/Ice37/IceStorm+Administration .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help\fR .br Displays a help message. .TP .BR \-v ", " \-\-version\fR Displays the Ice version. .TP .BR \-e " " COMMANDS\fR .br Execute COMMANDS. .TP .BR \-d ", " \-\-debug\fR .br Print debug messages. .SH SEE ALSO .BR icestormdb (1)