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PXLSSQ(1) User Commands PXLSSQ(1)


pxlssq - Print sequence file summary


pxlssq [OPTION]...


Print sequence file summary By default returns all properties. Alternatively choose 1 property. This will take fasta, phylip or nexus file formats
-s, --seqf=FILE
input seq file, stdin otherwise
-i, --indiv
output stats for individual sequences
-n, --nseq
return the number of sequences
-c, --nchar
return the number of characters (only if aligned) - for unaligned seqs, use with -i flag
-l, --labels
return all taxon labels (one per line)
-p, --prot
force interpret as protein (if inference fails)
-a, --aligned
return whether sequences are aligned (same length)
-f, --freqs
return character state frequencies
-o, --outf=FILE
output stats file, stout otherwise
-h, --help
display this help and exit
-V, --version
display version and exit


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This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.
May 2018 pxlssq 0.99+ds