.TH "MoreLabels" 3o source: 2019-01-25 OCamldoc "OCaml library" .SH NAME MoreLabels \- Extra labeled libraries. .SH Module Module MoreLabels .SH Documentation .sp Module .BI "MoreLabels" : .B sig end .sp Extra labeled libraries\&. .sp This meta\-module provides labelized version of the .B Hashtbl , .B Map and .B Set modules\&. .sp They only differ by their labels\&. They are provided to help porting from previous versions of OCaml\&. The contents of this module are subject to change\&. .sp .sp .sp .I module Hashtbl : .B sig end .sp .sp .I module Map : .B sig end .sp .sp .I module Set : .B sig end .sp .sp