.TH pnmsmooth 1 "4 December 1994" .IX pnmsmooth .SH NAME pnmsmooth - smooth out an image .SH SYNOPSIS .B pnmsmooth .RB [ -size .IR width .IR height ] .RB [ -dump .IR dumpfile ] .RI [ pnmfile ] .SH DESCRIPTION Smooths out an image by replacing each pixel with the average of its width X height neighbors. .IX smoothing .IX anti-aliasing It is implemented as a C progam that generates a PGM convolution matrix and then invokes .IR pnmconvol . .IX pnmconvol .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -size width height Specifies the size of the convolution matrix. Default size is a 3x3 matrix. Width and height sizes must be odd. Maximum size of convolution matrix is limited by the maximum value for a pixel such that (width * height * 2) must not exceed the maximum pixel value. .TP .B -dump dumpfile Generates and saves the convolution file only. Use of this option does not invoke pnmconvol. .SH "SEE ALSO" pnmconvol(1), pnm(5) .SH AUTHORS Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. .br Converted from script to C program December 1994 by Mike Burns (burns@chem.psu.edu). .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its .\" documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided .\" that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting .\" documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or .\" implied warranty.