.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.8. .TH MEGAGLEST "6" "December 2018" "megaglest v3.13.0" "Games" .SH NAME megaglest \- 3D\ multi-player\ real\ time\ strategy\ game .SH DESCRIPTION megaglest, usage .PP Commandline Parameter: Description: \fB\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\fR \fB\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\fR \fB\-\-help\fR displays this help text. \fB\-\-autostart\-lastgame\fR Automatically starts a game with the last game .IP settings you played. .PP \fB\-\-load\-saved\-game\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Loads the last saved game. .TP Where x is an optional name of the saved game file to load. If x is not specified we load the last game that was saved. .PP \fB\-\-auto\-test\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR,y,z Run in auto test mode. .TP Where x is an optional maximum # seconds to play. If x is not specified the default is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). Where y is an optional game settings file to play. If y is not specified (or is empty) then auto test cycles through playing scenarios. Where z is the word exit indicating the game should exit after the game is finished or the time runs out. If z is not specified (or is empty) then auto test continues to cycle. .PP \fB\-\-connect\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR:y Auto connect to host server at IP or hostname x using port y .TP Shortcut version of using \fB\-\-connecthost\fR and \fB\-\-use\-ports\fR. *NOTE: to automatically connect to the first LAN .IP host you may use: \fB\-\-connect\fR=\fI\,auto\-connect\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-connecthost\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Auto connect to host server at IP or hostname x .TP *NOTE: to automatically connect to the first LAN host you may use: \fB\-\-connecthost\fR=\fI\,auto\-connect\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-starthost\fR Auto create a host server. \fB\-\-headless\-server\-mode\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR,x Run as a headless server. .TP Where x is an optional comma delimited command list of one or more of the following: .TP exit \- which quits the application after a game has no more connected players. .TP vps \- which does NOT read commands from the .TP local console (for some vps's). lan \- which does not broadcast the hosting server .IP to the masterserver (for local LAN games). .PP \fB\-\-headless\-server\-status\fR Check the current status of a headless server. \fB\-\-use\-ports\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR,y,z Force hosted games to listen internally on port .TP x, externally on port y and game status on port z. Where x is the internal port # on the local .TP machine to listen for connects y is the external port # on the .TP router/proxy to forward connection from to the internal port # .TP z is the game status port # on the local machine to listen for status requests .TP *NOTE: If enabled the FTP Server port #'s will be set to x+1 to x+9 .PP \fB\-\-server\-title\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Set server title. \fB\-\-load\-scenario\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Auto load a scenario by scenario name. \fB\-\-load\-mod\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Auto load a mod by mod pathname. \fB\-\-preview\-map\fR=\fI\,Map\/\fR,Tileset Auto Preview a map by map name. (tileset is optional) \fB\-\-version\fR displays the version string of this program. \fB\-\-opengl\-info\fR displays your video driver's OpenGL info. \fB\-\-sdl\-info\fR displays your SDL version information. \fB\-\-lua\-info\fR displays your LUA version information. \fB\-\-lua\-debug\fR displays LUA debug information. \fB\-\-curl\-info\fR displays your CURL version information. \fB\-\-xerces\-info\fR displays your XERCES version information. \fB\-\-validate\-techtrees\fR=\fI\,x=purgeunused=purgeduplicates=gitdelete=hideduplicates\/\fR .TP display a report detailing any known problems related to your selected techtrees game data. Where x is a comma\-delimited list of techtrees .TP to validate. Where purgeunused is an optional parameter .TP telling the validation to delete extra files in the techtree that are not used. .TP Where purgeduplicates is an optional parameter telling the validation to merge duplicate files in the techtree. .TP Where gitdelete is an optional parameter telling the validation to call git rm on duplicate / unused files in the techtree. .TP Where hideduplicates is an optional parameter telling the validation to NOT SHOW duplicate files in the techtree. .TP *NOTE: This only applies when files are purged due to the above flags being set. .TP example: megaglest \fB\-\-validate\-techtrees\fR=\fI\,megapack\/\fR,vbros_pack_5 .PP \fB\-\-validate\-factions\fR=\fI\,x=purgeunused=purgeduplicates=hideduplicates\/\fR .TP display a report detailing any known problems related to your selected factions game data. Where x is a comma\-delimited list of factions .TP to validate. Where purgeunused is an optional parameter .TP telling the validation to delete extra files in the faction that are not used. .TP Where purgeduplicates is an optional parameter telling the validation to merge duplicate files in the faction. .TP Where hideduplicates is an optional parameter telling the validation to NOT SHOW duplicate files in the techtree. .TP *NOTE: leaving the list empty is the same as running: \fB\-\-validate\-techtrees\fR example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-validate\-factions\fR=\fI\,tech\/\fR,egypt .PP \fB\-\-validate\-scenario\fR=\fI\,x=purgeunused=gitdelete\/\fR .TP display a report detailing any known problems related to your selected scenario game data. Where x is a single scenario to validate. Where purgeunused is an optional parameter .TP telling the validation to delete extra files in the scenario that are not used. .TP example: megaglest \fB\-\-validate\-scenario\fR=\fI\,stranded\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-validate\-tileset\fR=\fI\,x=purgeunused=gitdelete\/\fR .TP display a report detailing any known problems related to your selected tileset game data. Where x is a single tileset to validate. Where purgeunused is an optional parameter .TP telling the validation to delete extra files in the tileset that are not used. .TP example: megaglest \fB\-\-validate\-tileset\fR=\fI\,desert2\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-translate\-techtrees\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR .TP Produces a default lng file for the specified techtree to prepare for translation into other languages. Where x is a techtree name .PP \fB\-\-list\-maps\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR .TP display a list of game content: maps where x is an optional name filter. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-list\-maps\fR=\fI\,island\/\fR* .PP \fB\-\-list\-techtrees\fR=\fI\,showfactions\/\fR .TP display a list of game content: techtrees where showfactions is an optional parameter. to display factions in each techtree. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-list\-techtrees\fR=\fI\,showfactions\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-list\-scenarios\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR .TP display a list of game content: scenarios where x is an optional name filter. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-list\-scenarios\fR=\fI\,beginner\/\fR* .PP \fB\-\-list\-tilesets\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR .TP display a list of game content: tilesets where x is an optional name filter. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-list\-tilesets\fR=\fI\,f\/\fR* .PP \fB\-\-list\-tutorials\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR .TP display a list of game content: tutorials where x is an optional name filter. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-list\-tutorials=\fR* .PP \fB\-\-data\-path\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Sets the game data path to x .TP example: megaglest \fB\-\-data\-path=\fR/usr/local/game_data/ .PP \fB\-\-ini\-path\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Sets the game ini path to x .TP example megaglest \fB\-\-ini\-path=\fR~/game_config/ .PP \fB\-\-log\-path\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Sets the game logs path to x .TP example: megaglest \fB\-\-log\-path=\fR~/game_logs/ .PP \fB\-\-font\-path\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR Sets the game fonts path to x .TP example: megaglest \fB\-\-font\-path=\fR~/myfonts/ .PP \fB\-\-show\-ini\-settings\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR display merged ini settings information. .TP Where x is an optional property name to filter (default shows all). .TP example: megaglest \fB\-\-show\-ini\-settings\fR=\fI\,DebugMode\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-convert\-models\fR=\fI\,x=textureformat=keepsmallest\/\fR .TP Convert a model file or folder to the current g3d version format. Where x is a filename or folder containing the g3d .TP model(s). Where textureformat is an optional supported .TP texture format to convert to (tga,bmp,jpg,png). Where keepsmallest is an optional flag indicating .TP to keep original texture if its filesize is smaller than the converted format. .IP example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-convert\-models\fR=\fI\,techs\/\fR/megapack/factions/tech/units/castle/models/castle.g3d=png=keepsmallest .PP \fB\-\-use\-language\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR force the language to be the language specified by x. .TP Where x is a language filename or ISO639\-1 code. example: megaglest \fB\-\-use\-language\fR=\fI\,english\/\fR example: megaglest \fB\-\-use\-language\fR=\fI\,en\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-show\-map\-crc\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR show the calculated CRC for the map named x. .TP Where x is a map name. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-show\-map\-crc\fR=\fI\,four_rivers\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-show\-tileset\-crc\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR show the calculated CRC for the tileset named x. .TP Where x is a tileset name. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-show\-tileset\-crc\fR=\fI\,forest\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-show\-techtree\-crc\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR show the calculated CRC for the techtree named x. .TP Where x is a techtree name. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-show\-techtree\-crc\fR=\fI\,megapack\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-show\-scenario\-crc\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR show the calculated CRC for the scenario named x. .TP Where x is a scenario name. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-show\-scenario\-crc\fR=\fI\,storming\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-show\-path\-crc\fR=\fI\,x=y\/\fR .TP Show the calculated CRC for files in the path located in x using file filter y. Where x is a path name. and y is file(s) filter. example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-show\-path\-crc\fR=\fI\,techs\/\fR/=megapack.7z .PP \fB\-\-disable\-backtrace\fR disables stack backtrace on errors. \fB\-\-disable\-sigsegv\-handler\fR disables the sigsegv error handler. \fB\-\-disable\-vbo\fR disables trying to use Vertex Buffer Objects. \fB\-\-disable\-vertex\-interpolation\fR disables interpolating animations to make them smoother. \fB\-\-disable\-sound\fR disables the sound system. \fB\-\-enable\-legacyfonts\fR enables using the legacy font system. \fB\-\-resolution\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR override the video resolution. .TP Where x is a string with the following format: widthxheight example: megaglest \fB\-\-resolution\fR=\fI\,1024x768\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-colorbits\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR override the video colorbits. .TP Where x is a valid colorbits value supported by your video driver .IP example: megaglest \fB\-\-colorbits\fR=\fI\,32\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-depthbits\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR override the video depthbits. .TP Where x is a valid depthbits value supported by your video driver .IP example: megaglest \fB\-\-depthbits\fR=\fI\,24\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-fullscreen\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR override the video fullscreen mode. .TP Where x either true or false example: megaglest \fB\-\-fullscreen\fR=\fI\,true\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-set\-gamma\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR override the video gamma (contrast) value. .TP Where x a floating point value example: megaglest \fB\-\-set\-gamma\fR=\fI\,1\/\fR.5 .PP \fB\-\-use\-font\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR override the font to use. .TP Where x is the path and name of a font file supported by freetype2. .IP example: .IP megaglest \fB\-\-use\-font=\fR$APPLICATIONDATAPATH/data/core/fonts/Vera.ttf .PP \fB\-\-font\-basesize\fR=\fI\,x\/\fR override the font base size. .TP Where x is the numeric base font size to use. example: megaglest \fB\-\-font\-basesize\fR=\fI\,5\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-disable\-videos\fR disables video playback. \fB\-\-disable\-opengl\-checks\fR disables opengl capability checks (for corrupt or flaky video drivers). \fB\-\-create\-data\-archives\fR=\fI\,x=y\/\fR compress selected game data into archives for network sharing. .TP Where x is one of the following data items to compress. techtrees, tilesets or all. Where y = include_main to include main (non mod) data. example: megaglest \fB\-\-create\-data\-archives\fR=\fI\,all\/\fR .PP \fB\-\-verbose\fR displays verbose information in the console. .PP Compiled using: GNUC: 80200 [64bit] platform: Linux\-X64 endianness: little GIT: [Rev: $5604.3a5d459$] \- using STREFLOP [SSE] \- [no\-denormals]