.TH MS_GSWAP 3 2006/12/20 "Libmseed API" .SH NAME ms_gswap - Generalized, in-place byte swapping routines .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .BI "void \fBms_gswap2\fP ( void *" data2 " );" .BI "void \fBms_gswap3\fP ( void *" data3 " );" .BI "void \fBms_gswap4\fP ( void *" data4 " );" .BI "void \fBms_gswap8\fP ( void *" data8 " );" .BI "void \fBms_gswap2a\fP ( void *" data2 " );" .BI "void \fBms_gswap4a\fP ( void *" data4 " );" .BI "void \fBms_gswap8a\fP ( void *" data8 " );" .fi .SH DESCRIPTION These routines swap between LSBF (little-endian) and MSBF (big-endian) byte orders. The specified quantities are swapped in-place. There are two versions of most routines: a generic one that works on quantities regardless of memory alignment (ms_gswap#) and one that works on memory aligned quantities (ms_gswap#a). The versions for memory aligned quantities are much faster than their generic versions, but the memory *must* be aligned. You have been warned. There is only a generic version for 3-byte quantities. .SH AUTHOR .nf Chad Trabant IRIS Data Management Center .fi