.\" @(#)$RCSfile: dpns_rmgrpmap.man,v $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2006/01/12 16:29:33 $ CERN IT-GD/SC Jean-Philippe Baud .\" Copyright (C) 2005 by CERN/IT/GD/SC .\" All rights reserved .\" .TH DPNS_RMGRPMAP 3 "$Date: 2006/01/12 16:29:33 $" DPNS "DPNS Library Functions" .SH NAME dpns_rmgrpmap \- suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid or group name .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br \fB#include "dpns_api.h"\fR .sp .BI "int dpns_rmgrpmap (gid_t " gid , .BI "char *" groupname ) .SH DESCRIPTION .B dpns_rmgrpmap suppresses the group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid or group name. If both are specified, they must point at the same entry. .TP .I gid specifies the Virtual Group Id. .TP .I groupname specifies the group name. .LP This function requires ADMIN privilege. .SH RETURN VALUE This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, .B serrno is set appropriately. .SH ERRORS .TP 1.3i .B EACCES The caller does not have ADMIN privilege. .TP .B EINVAL This group does not exist in the internal mapping table or the length of .I groupname exceeds 255 or .I gid and .I groupname do not point at the same entry. .TP .B SENOSHOST Host unknown. .TP .B SENOSSERV Service unknown. .TP .B SECOMERR Communication error. .TP .B ENSNACT Name server is not running or is being shutdown.