.\" @(#)$RCSfile: dpm_getspacetoken.man,v $ $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2006/12/20 15:47:54 $ CERN IT-GD/SC Jean-Philippe Baud .\" Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by CERN/IT/GD/SC .\" All rights reserved .\" .TH DPM_GETSPACETOKEN 3 "$Date: 2006/12/20 15:47:54 $" LCG "DPM Library Functions" .SH NAME dpm_getspacetoken \- get space token .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .br \fB#include "dpm_api.h"\fR .sp .BI "int dpm_getspacetoken (const char *" u_token , .BI "int *" nbreplies , .BI "char ***" s_tokens ) .SH DESCRIPTION .B dpm_getspacetoken gets the list of space tokens associated with this user description. .LP The input argument is: .TP .I u_token specifies the user provided description associated with a previous reservespace request. If the argument is NULL, all the space tokens accessible by the user will be listed. .LP The output arguments are: .TP .I nbreplies will be set to the number of replies in the array of space tokens. .TP .I s_tokens will be set to the address of an array of space tokens allocated by the API. The client application is responsible for freeing the array when not needed anymore. .SH RETURN VALUE This routine returns 0 if the operation was successful or -1 if the operation failed. In the latter case, .B serrno is set appropriately. .SH ERRORS .TP 1.3i .B EFAULT .I nbreplies or .I s_tokens is a NULL pointer. .TP .B ENOMEM Memory could not be allocated for storing the reply. .TP .B EINVAL The length of the user space token description is greater than 255 or the user space token description is unknown. .TP .B SENOSHOST Host unknown. .TP .B SEINTERNAL Database error. .TP .B SECOMERR Communication error.