.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.8. .TH IQTREE-OMP "1" "January 2019" "iqtree-omp 1.6.9+dfsg" "User Commands" .SH NAME iqtree-omp \- efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood (multiprocessor version) .SH SYNOPSIS .B iqtree-omp \fI\,-s \/\fR[\fI\,OPTIONS\/\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION IQ\-TREE multicore version 1.6.9 for Linux 64\-bit built Jan 2 2019 Developed by Bui Quang Minh, Nguyen Lam Tung, Olga Chernomor, Heiko Schmidt, Dominik Schrempf, Michael Woodhams. .SS "GENERAL OPTIONS:" .TP \-? or \fB\-h\fR Print this help dialog .TP \fB\-version\fR Display version number .TP \fB\-s\fR Input alignment in PHYLIP/FASTA/NEXUS/CLUSTAL/MSF format .TP \fB\-st\fR BIN, DNA, AA, NT2AA, CODON, MORPH (default: auto\-detect) .TP \fB\-q\fR Edge\-linked partition model (file in NEXUS/RAxML format) .HP \fB\-spp\fR Like \fB\-q\fR option but allowing partition\-specific rates .HP \fB\-sp\fR Edge\-unlinked partition model (like \fB\-M\fR option of RAxML) .TP \fB\-t\fR or \fB\-t\fR BIONJ or \fB\-t\fR RANDOM Starting tree (default: 99 parsimony tree and BIONJ) .HP \fB\-te\fR Like \fB\-t\fR but fixing user tree (no tree search performed) .TP \fB\-o\fR Outgroup taxon name for writing .treefile .TP \fB\-pre\fR Prefix for all output files (default: aln/partition) .TP \fB\-nt\fR Number of cores/threads or AUTO for automatic detection .HP \fB\-ntmax\fR Max number of threads by \fB\-nt\fR AUTO (default: #CPU cores) .TP \fB\-seed\fR Random seed number, normally used for debugging purpose .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-vv\fR, \fB\-vvv\fR Verbose mode, printing more messages to screen .TP \fB\-quiet\fR Quiet mode, suppress printing to screen (stdout) .TP \fB\-keep\-ident\fR Keep identical sequences (default: remove & finally add) .TP \fB\-safe\fR Safe likelihood kernel to avoid numerical underflow .TP \fB\-mem\fR RAM Maximal RAM usage for memory saving mode .TP \fB\-\-runs\fR NUMBER Number of indepedent runs (default: 1) .SS "CHECKPOINTING TO RESUME STOPPED RUN:" .TP \fB\-redo\fR Redo analysis even for successful runs (default: resume) .TP \fB\-cptime\fR Minimum checkpoint time interval (default: 60 sec) .SS "LIKELIHOOD MAPPING ANALYSIS:" .TP \fB\-lmap\fR <#quartets> Number of quartets for likelihood mapping analysis .HP \fB\-lmclust\fR NEXUS file containing clusters for likelihood mapping .TP \fB\-wql\fR Print quartet log\-likelihoods to .quartetlh file .SS "NEW STOCHASTIC TREE SEARCH ALGORITHM:" .TP \fB\-ninit\fR Number of initial parsimony trees (default: 100) .TP \fB\-ntop\fR Number of top initial trees (default: 20) .TP \fB\-nbest\fR Number of best trees retained during search (defaut: 5) .TP \fB\-n\fR <#iterations> Fix number of iterations to stop (default: auto) .TP \fB\-nstop\fR Number of unsuccessful iterations to stop (default: 100) .TP \fB\-pers\fR Perturbation strength for randomized NNI (default: 0.5) .TP \fB\-sprrad\fR Radius for parsimony SPR search (default: 6) .TP \fB\-allnni\fR Perform more thorough NNI search (default: off) .HP \fB\-g\fR (Multifurcating) topological constraint tree file .TP \fB\-fast\fR Fast search to resemble FastTree .SS "ULTRAFAST BOOTSTRAP:" .TP \fB\-bb\fR <#replicates> Ultrafast bootstrap (>=1000) .TP \fB\-bsam\fR GENE|GENESITE Resample GENE or GENE+SITE for partition (default: SITE) .TP \fB\-wbt\fR Write bootstrap trees to .ufboot file (default: none) .TP \fB\-wbtl\fR Like \fB\-wbt\fR but also writing branch lengths .TP \fB\-nm\fR <#iterations> Maximum number of iterations (default: 1000) .HP \fB\-nstep\fR <#iterations> #Iterations for UFBoot stopping rule (default: 100) .TP \fB\-bcor\fR Minimum correlation coefficient (default: 0.99) .TP \fB\-beps\fR RELL epsilon to break tie (default: 0.5) .TP \fB\-bnni\fR Optimize UFBoot trees by NNI on bootstrap alignment .TP \fB\-j\fR Proportion of sites for jackknife (default: NONE) .SS "STANDARD NON-PARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP:" .TP \fB\-b\fR <#replicates> Bootstrap + ML tree + consensus tree (>=100) .TP \fB\-bc\fR <#replicates> Bootstrap + consensus tree .TP \fB\-bo\fR <#replicates> Bootstrap only .SS "SINGLE BRANCH TEST:" .TP \fB\-alrt\fR <#replicates> SH\-like approximate likelihood ratio test (SH\-aLRT) .TP \fB\-alrt\fR 0 Parametric aLRT test (Anisimova and Gascuel 2006) .TP \fB\-abayes\fR approximate Bayes test (Anisimova et al. 2011) .TP \fB\-lbp\fR <#replicates> Fast local bootstrap probabilities .SS "MODEL-FINDER:" .TP \fB\-m\fR TESTONLY Standard model selection (like jModelTest, ProtTest) .TP \fB\-m\fR TEST Standard model selection followed by tree inference .TP \fB\-m\fR MF Extended model selection with FreeRate heterogeneity .TP \fB\-m\fR MFP Extended model selection followed by tree inference .TP \fB\-m\fR TESTMERGEONLY Find best partition scheme (like PartitionFinder) .TP \fB\-m\fR TESTMERGE Find best partition scheme followed by tree inference .TP \fB\-m\fR MF+MERGE Find best partition scheme incl. FreeRate heterogeneity .TP \fB\-m\fR MFP+MERGE Like \fB\-m\fR MF+MERGE followed by tree inference .TP \fB\-rcluster\fR Percentage of partition pairs (relaxed clustering alg.) .TP \fB\-rclusterf\fR Percentage of partition pairs (fast relaxed clustering) .TP \fB\-rcluster\-max\fR Max number of partition pairs (default: 10*#partitions) .TP \fB\-mset\fR program Restrict search to models supported by other programs (raxml, phyml or mrbayes) .TP \fB\-mset\fR Restrict search to a subset of the Lie\-Markov models Options for lm\-subset are: liemarkov, liemarkovry, liemarkovws, liemarkovmk, strandsymmetric .TP \fB\-mset\fR m1,...,mk Restrict search to models in a comma\-separated list (e.g. \fB\-mset\fR WAG,LG,JTT) .TP \fB\-msub\fR source Restrict search to AA models for specific sources (nuclear, mitochondrial, chloroplast or viral) .TP \fB\-mfreq\fR f1,...,fk Restrict search to using a list of state frequencies (default AA: \fB\-mfreq\fR FU,F; codon: \fB\-mfreq\fR ,F1x4,F3x4,F) .TP \fB\-mrate\fR r1,...,rk Restrict search to a list of rate\-across\-sites models (e.g. \fB\-mrate\fR E,I,G,I+G,R is used for \fB\-m\fR MF) .TP \fB\-cmin\fR Min #categories for FreeRate model [+R] (default: 2) .TP \fB\-cmax\fR Max #categories for FreeRate model [+R] (default: 10) .TP \fB\-merit\fR AIC|AICc|BIC Optimality criterion to use (default: all) .TP \fB\-mtree\fR Perform full tree search for each model considered .TP \fB\-mredo\fR Ignore model results computed earlier (default: reuse) .TP \fB\-madd\fR mx1,...,mxk List of mixture models to also consider .TP \fB\-mdef\fR A model definition NEXUS file (see Manual) .SS "SUBSTITUTION MODEL:" .HP \fB\-m\fR .TP DNA: HKY (default), JC, F81, K2P, K3P, K81uf, TN/TrN, TNef, TIM, TIMef, TVM, TVMef, SYM, GTR, or 6\-digit model specification (e.g., 010010 = HKY) .TP Protein: LG (default), Poisson, cpREV, mtREV, Dayhoff, mtMAM, JTT, WAG, mtART, mtZOA, VT, rtREV, DCMut, PMB, HIVb, HIVw, JTTDCMut, FLU, Blosum62, GTR20, mtMet, mtVer, mtInv .IP Protein mixture: C10,...,C60, EX2, EX3, EHO, UL2, UL3, EX_EHO, LG4M, LG4X .IP Binary: JC2 (default), GTR2 .IP Empirical codon: KOSI07, SCHN05 .TP Mechanistic codon: GY (default), MG, MGK, GY0K, GY1KTS, GY1KTV, GY2K, MG1KTS, MG1KTV, MG2K .IP Semi\-empirical codon: XX_YY where XX is empirical and YY is mechanistic model .IP Morphology/SNP: MK (default), ORDERED, GTR Lie Markov DNA: One of the following, optionally prefixed by RY, WS or MK: .TP 1.1, 2.2b, 3.3a, 3.3b, 3.3c, .TP 3.4, 4.4a, 4.4b, 4.5a, 4.5b, .TP 5.6a, 5.6b, 5.7a, 5.7b, 5.7c, .TP 5.11a,5.11b,5.11c,5.16, 6.6, .TP 6.7a, 6.7b, 6.8a, 6.8b, 6.17a, .TP 6.17b,8.8, 8.10a,8.10b, 8.16, .TP 8.17, 8.18, 9.20a,9.20b,10.12, 10.34,12.12 .IP Non\-reversible: STRSYM (strand symmetric model, synonymous with WS6.6) Non\-reversible: UNREST (most general unrestricted model, functionally equivalent to 12.12) Models can have parameters appended in brackets. .IP e.g. '\-mRY3.4{0.2,\-0.3}+I' specifies parameters for RY3.4 model but leaves proportion of invariant sites unspecified. '\-mRY3.4{0.2,\-0.3}+I{0.5} gives both. When this is done, the given parameters will be taken as fixed (default) or as start point for optimization (if \fB\-optfromgiven\fR option supplied) .IP Otherwise: Name of file containing user\-model parameters .IP (rate parameters and state frequencies) .SS "STATE FREQUENCY:" .IP Append one of the following +F... to \fB\-m\fR +F Empirically counted frequencies from alignment +FO (letter\-O) Optimized frequencies by maximum\-likelihood +FQ Equal frequencies +FRY, +FWS, +FMK For DNA models only, +FRY is freq(A+G)=1/2=freq(C+T), .IP +FWS is freq(A+T)=1/2=freq(C+G), +FMK is freq(A+C)=1/2=freq(G+T). .TP +F#### where # are digits \- for DNA models only, for basis in ACGT order, digits indicate which frequencies are constrained to be the same. E.g. +F1221 means freq(A)=freq(T), freq(C)=freq(G). .TP +FU Amino\-acid frequencies by the given protein matrix .TP +F1x4 (codon model) Equal NT frequencies over three codon positions .TP +F3x4 (codon model) Unequal NT frequencies over three codon positions .SS "MIXTURE MODEL:" .TP \fB\-m\fR "MIX{model1,...,modelK}" Mixture model with K components .TP \fB\-m\fR "FMIX{freq1,...freqK}" Frequency mixture model with K components .TP \fB\-mwopt\fR Turn on optimizing mixture weights (default: none) .SS "RATE HETEROGENEITY AMONG SITES:" .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname+I A proportion of invariable sites .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname+G[n] Discrete Gamma model with n categories (default n=4) .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname*G[n] Discrete Gamma model with unlinked model parameters .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname+I+G[n] Invariable sites plus Gamma model with n categories .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname+R[n] FreeRate model with n categories (default n=4) .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname*R[n] FreeRate model with unlinked model parameters .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname+I+R[n] Invariable sites plus FreeRate model with n categories .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname+Hn Heterotachy model with n classes .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname*Hn Heterotachy model with n classes and unlinked parameters .TP \fB\-a\fR Gamma shape parameter for site rates (default: estimate) .TP \fB\-amin\fR Min Gamma shape parameter for site rates (default: 0.02) .TP \fB\-gmedian\fR Median approximation for +G site rates (default: mean) .TP \fB\-\-opt\-gamma\-inv\fR More thorough estimation for +I+G model parameters .TP \fB\-i\fR Proportion of invariable sites (default: estimate) .TP \fB\-wsr\fR Write site rates to .rate file .TP \fB\-mh\fR Computing site\-specific rates to .mhrate file using Meyer & von Haeseler (2003) method .SS "POLYMORPHISM AWARE MODELS (PoMo):" .TP \fB\-s\fR Input counts file (see manual) .TP \fB\-m\fR +P DNA substitution model (see above) used with PoMo .TP +N Virtual population size (default: 9) .TP +[WB|WH|S] Sampling method (default: +WB), WB: Weighted binomial, WH: Weighted hypergeometric S: Sampled sampling .TP +G[n] Discrete Gamma rate model with n categories (default n=4) .SS "ASCERTAINMENT BIAS CORRECTION:" .TP \fB\-m\fR modelname+ASC Correction for absence of invariant sites in alignment .SS "SINGLE TOPOLOGY HETEROTACHY MODEL:" .TP \fB\-m\fR +H[k] Heterotachy model mixed branch lengths with k classes .HP \fB\-m\fR "MIX{m1,...mK}+H" .TP \fB\-nni\-eval\fR Loop m times for NNI evaluation (default m=1) .SS "SITE-SPECIFIC FREQUENCY MODEL:" .TP \fB\-ft\fR Input tree to infer site frequency model .TP \fB\-fs\fR Input site frequency model file .TP \fB\-fmax\fR Posterior maximum instead of mean approximation .SS "CONSENSUS RECONSTRUCTION:" .TP \fB\-t\fR Set of input trees for consensus reconstruction .TP \fB\-minsup\fR Min split support in range [0,1]; 0.5 for majority\-rule consensus (default: 0, i.e. extended consensus) .TP \fB\-bi\fR Discarding trees at beginning of .TP \fB\-con\fR Computing consensus tree to .contree file .TP \fB\-net\fR Computing consensus network to .nex file .TP \fB\-sup\fR Assigning support values for to .suptree .TP \fB\-suptag\fR Node name (or ALL) to assign tree IDs where node occurs .SS "ROBINSON-FOULDS DISTANCE:" .TP \fB\-rf_all\fR Computing all\-to\-all RF distances of trees in .TP \fB\-rf\fR Computing all RF distances between two sets of trees stored in and .TP \fB\-rf_adj\fR Computing RF distances of adjacent trees in .SS "TREE TOPOLOGY TEST:" .TP \fB\-z\fR Evaluating a set of user trees .TP \fB\-zb\fR <#replicates> Performing BP,KH,SH,ELW tests for trees passed via \fB\-z\fR .TP \fB\-zw\fR Also performing weighted\-KH and weighted\-SH tests .TP \fB\-au\fR Also performing approximately unbiased (AU) test .SS "ANCESTRAL STATE RECONSTRUCTION:" .TP \fB\-asr\fR Ancestral state reconstruction by empirical Bayes .TP \fB\-asr\-min\fR Min probability of ancestral state (default: equil freq) .SS "GENERATING RANDOM TREES:" .TP \fB\-r\fR Create a random tree under Yule\-Harding model .TP \fB\-ru\fR Create a random tree under Uniform model .TP \fB\-rcat\fR Create a random caterpillar tree .TP \fB\-rbal\fR Create a random balanced tree .TP \fB\-rcsg\fR Create a random circular split network .TP \fB\-rlen\fR min, mean, and max branch lengths of random trees .SS "MISCELLANEOUS:" .TP \fB\-wt\fR Write locally optimal trees into .treels file .TP \fB\-blfix\fR Fix branch lengths of user tree passed via \fB\-te\fR .TP \fB\-blscale\fR Scale branch lengths of user tree passed via \fB\-t\fR .TP \fB\-blmin\fR Min branch length for optimization (default 0.000001) .TP \fB\-blmax\fR Max branch length for optimization (default 100) .TP \fB\-wsr\fR Write site rates and categories to .rate file .TP \fB\-wsl\fR Write site log\-likelihoods to .sitelh file .TP \fB\-wslr\fR Write site log\-likelihoods per rate category .TP \fB\-wslm\fR Write site log\-likelihoods per mixture class .TP \fB\-wslmr\fR Write site log\-likelihoods per mixture+rate class .TP \fB\-wspr\fR Write site probabilities per rate category .TP \fB\-wspm\fR Write site probabilities per mixture class .TP \fB\-wspmr\fR Write site probabilities per mixture+rate class .TP \fB\-wpl\fR Write partition log\-likelihoods to .partlh file .TP \fB\-fconst\fR f1,...,fN Add constant patterns into alignment (N=#nstates) .TP \fB\-me\fR LogL epsilon for parameter estimation (default 0.01) .TP \fB\-\-no\-outfiles\fR Suppress printing output files .TP \fB\-\-eigenlib\fR Use Eigen3 library .TP \fB\-alninfo\fR Print alignment sites statistics to .alninfo .TP \fB\-czb\fR Collapse zero branches in final tree .TP \fB\-\-show\-lh\fR Compute tree likelihood without optimisation