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ID3V2(1) User Command ID3V2(1)


id3v2 - Adds/Modifies/Removes/Views id3v2 tags, converts/lists id3v1 tags


id3v2 [ OPTION ] [ FILE ]


-h, --help
Display help and exit
-f, --list-frames
Display all possible frames for id3v2
-L, --list-genres
Lists all id3v1 genres
-v, --version
Display version information and exit
-l, --list
Lists the tag(s) on the file(s)
-R, --list-rfc822
Lists using an rfc822-style format for output
-d, --delete-v2
Deletes id3v2 tags
-s, --delete-v1
Deletes id3v1 tags
-D, --delete-all
Deletes both id3v1 and id3v2 tags
-C, --convert
Converts id3v1 tag to id3v2
-a, --artist ARTIST
Set the artist information
-A, --album ALBUM
Set the album title information
-t, --song SONG
Set the song title information
Set the comment information
-g, --genre num
Set the genre number
-y, --year num
Set the year
-T, --track num/num
Set the track number/(optional) total tracks


You can set the value for any id3v2 frame by using '--' and then frame id
For example:

id3v2 --TIT3 Monkey! file.mp3

would set the "Subtitle/Description" frame to "Monkey!".


id3tag(1), id3info(1), id3convert(1)


id3v2 is by myers <> with major portions used from id3lib examples. Manual page written for Debian GNU/Linux by Robert Woodcock <>.
May 2000