.\" generated with Ronn-NG/v0.8.0 .\" http://github.com/apjanke/ronn-ng/tree/0.8.0 .TH "HUB\-REMOTE" "1" "March 2019" "GITHUB" "Hub Manual" .SH "NAME" \fBhub\-remote\fR \- Add a git remote for a GitHub repository\. .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBhub remote\fR add [\-p] [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fIUSER\fR[/\fIREPOSITORY\fR] .br \fBhub remote\fR set\-url [\-p] [\fIOPTIONS\fR] \fINAME\fR \fIUSER\fR[/\fIREPOSITORY\fR] .SH "OPTIONS" .TP \-p (Deprecated) Use the \fBssh:\fR protocol instead of \fBgit:\fR for the remote URL\. The writeable \fBssh:\fR protocol is automatically used for own repos, GitHub Enterprise remotes, and private or pushable repositories\. .TP \fIUSER\fR[/\fIREPOSITORY\fR] If \fIUSER\fR is "origin", that value will be substituted for your GitHub username\. \fIREPOSITORY\fR defaults to the name of the current working directory\. .SH "EXAMPLES" .nf $ hub remote add jingweno > git remote add jingweno git://github\.com/jingweno/REPO\.git $ hub remote add origin > git remote add origin git@github\.com:USER/REPO\.git .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" hub\-fork(1), hub(1), git\-remote(1)