.\" generated with Ronn-NG/v0.8.0 .\" http://github.com/apjanke/ronn-ng/tree/0.8.0 .TH "HUB\-BROWSE" "1" "March 2019" "GITHUB" "Hub Manual" .SH "NAME" \fBhub\-browse\fR \- Open a GitHub repository in a web browser\. .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBhub browse\fR [\-uc] [[\fIUSER\fR/]\fIREPOSITORY\fR|\-\-] [\fISUBPAGE\fR] .SH "OPTIONS" .TP \-u, \-\-url Print the URL instead of opening it\. .TP \-c, \-\-copy Put the URL in clipboard instead of opening it\. .TP [\fIUSER\fR/]\fIREPOSITORY\fR Defaults to repository in the current working directory\. .TP \fISUBPAGE\fR One of "wiki", "commits", "issues", or other (default: "tree")\. .SH "EXAMPLES" .nf $ hub browse > open https://github\.com/REPO $ hub browse \-\- issues > open https://github\.com/REPO/issues $ hub browse jingweno/gh > open https://github\.com/jingweno/gh $ hub browse gh wiki > open https://github\.com/USER/gh/wiki .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" hub\-compare(1), hub(1)