.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "GHI" "1" "April 2012" "Stephen Celis" "GHI Manual" . .SH "NAME" \fBghi\fR \- the stupid issue tracker . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBghi\fR [\fB\-\-version\fR] [\fB\-p\fR|\fB\-\-paginate\fR|\fB\-\-no\-pager\fR] [\fB\-\-help\fR] \fIcommand\fR [\fIargs\fR] . .br \fB\fR \fB\fR \fB\fR \fB\fR [ \fB\-\-\fR [\fIuser\fR/]\fIrepo\fR]] . .SH "DESCRIPTION" GHI is the alphabetical acronym for GitHub Issues\. GHI provides an easy way to manage your issues from the comfort of the command line and your editor of choice\. . .P GHI should look familiar if you\'re familiar with Git\. When invoked from a repository directory that has a GitHub remote, GHI will work with that repository\'s issues by default\. Otherwise, GHI will work with your global issues or with a repository specified in its terminating arguments\. . .P The \fIcommand\fR is either the name of a GHI command (see below) or an alias\. . .SH "OPTIONS" . .TP \fB\-\-version\fR Prints the GHI version number\. . .TP \fB\-\-help\fR Prints the synopsis and a list of commonly\-used commands\. If a GHI command is named, this option will bring up the manual page for that command\. . .IP See \fBghi\-help\fR(1) for more information\. . .TP \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-paginate\fR Pipe all output into less if standard output is a terminal\. . .TP \fB\-\-no\-pager\fR Do not pipe output into a pager\. . .TP \fB\-\-[no\-]color\fR Toggle colorized output\. . .SH "GHI COMMANDS" . .TP \fBghi\-assign\fR(1) Assign an issue to yourself (or someone else)\. . .TP \fBghi\-close\fR(1) Close an issue\. . .TP \fBghi\-comment\fR(1) Leave a comment on an issue\. . .TP \fBghi\-config\fR(1) Configure GHI\. . .TP \fBghi\-edit\fR(1) Modify an existing issue\. . .TP \fBghi\-label\fR(1) Create, list, modify, or delete labels\. . .TP \fBghi\-list\fR(1) List your issues (or a repository\'s)\. . .TP \fBghi\-milestone\fR(1) Manage project milestones\. . .TP \fBghi\-open\fR(1) Open (or reopen) an issue\. . .TP \fBghi\-show\fR(1) Show an issue\'s details\. . .SH "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" Various GHI commands use the following environment variables: . .TP \fIGHI_REPO\fR The GitHub repository to be used by the issued GHI command\. . .TP \fIGHI_TOKEN\fR The OAuth access token used to authenticate you\. . .TP \fIGHI_PAGER\fR This environment variable overrides \fI$GIT_PAGER\fR and \fI$PAGER\fR\. If it is set to an empty string or to the value "cat", git will not launch a pager\. . .TP \fIGHI_EDITOR\fR This environment variable overrides \fI$GIT_EDITOR\fR, \fI$VISUAL\fR, and \fI$EDITOR\fR\. . .TP \fIGITHUB_USER\fR Your GitHub username: used to authenticate and identify you\. . .TP \fIGITHUB_PASSWORD\fR If you store your GitHub password in an environment variable, GHI will automatically attempt to fetch an access token using it\. . .P All environment variables may also be stored in Git configuration files where the variable is in lowercase form and the underscore is a period (e\.g\., \fI$GHI_REPO\fR would become the ghi\.repo option)\. . .SH "AUTHORS" GHI is maintained by Stephen Celis\. A full list of contributors can be found at \fIhttps://github\.com/stephencelis/ghi/contributors\fR\. . .SH "REPORTING BUGS" . .nf ghi open \-\- stephencelis/ghi . .fi . .P Or visit \fIhttps://github\.com/stephencelis/ghi/issues\fR\.