.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "FTPSYNC\-CRON" "1" "ftpsync Manual" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP ftpsync\-cron \- Wrapper around ftpsync for use in cron(8) .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]ftpsync\-cron\f[] [\f[I]ARCHIVE\f[]] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \f[B]ftpsync\-cron\f[] is part of the ftpsync suite for mirroring Debian and Debian\-like repositories of packages. As there are way too many mirrors of Debian to populate them all from the machine that generates the archive ("ftp\-master"), mirrors are organized in a tree\-shaped hierarchy. Thus, every mirror has exactly one upstream from which it syncs, and each mirror can have any number of downstreams which in turn sync from it. .PP \f[B]ftpsync\-cron\f[] is a wrapper around \f[B]ftpsync\f[] itself, intended to be run out of cron at regular, frequent intervals, such as hourly. When started, it reads the corresponding \f[B]ftpsync.conf\f[] configuration file for the archive in question and determines this mirror\[aq]s upstream. It then fetches the upstream\[aq]s trace file via HTTP and compares it to the version on disk from the last mirror run, thus learning whether the upstream mirror has updated. If it has, \f[B]ftpsync\f[] is triggered. .SH EXAMPLE .PP Example use in a user crontab: .PP SHELL=/bin/bash 31 * * * * sleep $(( RANDOM %% 1800 )) && \&./bin/ftpsync\-cron .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[B]ftpsync\f[](1) + .SH AUTHORS Debian mirror team.