.\" todo is licensed under the GPL, version 2. A copy of the GPL should have been distributed with the source in the file COPYING .TH devtodo "1" 0.1.20 "Alec Thomas" "Programming utility" .SH "NAME" .LP todo \- a reminder/task program aimed at developers .SH "SYNOPSIS" .LP .TP \fBtodo [\fI\fP]\fP With no options, displays the items in the current directory. .TP \fBtda [\-p \fI\fR] [\-g \fI\fP] [\fI\fP]\fP Add a new item, optionally grafting it as a child of the given item. .TP \fBtde \fI\fP\fP Edit the given item. .TP \fBtdr \fI\fP\fP Remove the given items. .TP \fBtdd \fI\fP\fP Mark the specified items as being done. .TP \fBtodo \-\-link [\-g \fI\fP] \fI\fP\fP Link the specified devtodo database into the current one, optionally grafting it as a child of the specified index. .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP \fBtodo\fP is a program aimed specifically at programmers (but usable by anybody at the terminal) to aid in day\-to\-day development. .LP It maintains a list of items that have yet to be completed. This allows the programmer to track outstanding bugs or items that need to be completed with very little effort. .LP Items can be prioritised and can also be displayed in a hierarchy, so that one item may depend on another. .LP With the use of some small shell scripts (scripts.* in the doc directory of the source distribution), todo can also display the outstanding items in a directory as you change into it. So, for example, if you cd into the source directory for todo itself you should see a list of outstanding items...unless all of the bugs have been fixed ;). .SH "OPTIONS" .LP Options can have both a long and a short form. .LP Short options can be combined into one argument by using a hyphen followed by a string of short options. Parameters of short options can also be appended to this string. .LP .TP \fB\-v, \-\-verbose\fR Display verbosely .TP \fB\-a, \-\-add [\fI\fR]\fR Add a note (will prompt for a note if one is not supplied). .TP \fB\-g, \-\-graft \fI\fR\fR In conjunction with \fI\-\-add\fR or \fI\-\-link\fR, graft the new item to the specified item. .TP \fB\-l, \-\-link \fI\fR\fR Link the specified todo file into the body of this one. If the linked database has a title set, this will be used as the body of the linking item otherwise the directory name of the linked database will be used. Use \-\-remove (or tdr) to remove linked databases \(hy this does \fBnot\fR remove the database itself, only the link. .TP \fB\-R,\-\-reparent \fI[,]\fR\fR Change the parent of the first item index to the second item index. If no second index is given the item is reparented to the root of the tree. .TP \fB\-p, \-\-priority \fI\fR\fR In conjunction with \-\-add or \-\-edit, set the priority (default | veryhigh | high | medium | low | verylow) .TP \fB\-e, \-\-edit \fI\fR\fR Edit the note that is indexed by the given number. .TP \fB\-\-remove \fI\fR\fR Remove the note indexed by the given numbers, including any children. .TP \fB\-d, \-\-done \fI\fR\fR Mark the specified notes (and their children) as done. .TP \fB\-D, \-\-not\-done \fI\fR\fR Mark the specified notes (and all children) as not done. .TP \fB\-\-global\-database \fI\fR\fR Specify the database to use if either the \fI-G\fR or \fI--global\fR options are specified. .TP \fB\-G, \-\-global\fR Force todo to use the database specified with \fI--global-database\fR. If this is placed in your \fI~/.todorc\fR it will force todo to use that database to the exclusion of all others. .TP \fB\-\-database \fI\fR\fR Change the database from whatever the default is (typically '.todo') to the file specified. .TP \fB\-T, \-\-TODO\fR Generate a typical TODO output text file from a Todo DB. .TP \fB\-A, \-\-all\fR Shortcut for the filter '+done,+children' to show all notes. .TP \fB\-f, \-\-filter \fI\fR\fR Display only those notes that pass the filter. Please refer the section \fIFILTERS\fR for more information. .TP \fB\-\-colour \fI\fR\fR Override default colours of todo items. Please refer to the section \fICOLOUR\fR for more information. .TP \fB\-\-force\-colour\fR Force use of colour even when not outputting to a TTY. This is useful when piping to \fIless(1)\fR \-R. .TP \fB\-\-mono\fR Remove all ANSI escape sequences from output - useful for colour impaired terminals. .TP \fB\-\-help\fR Display this help. .TP \fB\-\-version\fR Display version of ToDo. .TP \fB\-\-title [\fI\fR]\fR Set the title of this directory's todo notes. .TP \fB\-\-date\-format \fI\fR\fR Format the display of time values. The format is that used by strftime(3). The default format is '%c'. This option is best specified in the \fI~/.todorc\fR. .TP \fB\-\-format \fI=\fR\fR Specify the formatting of output. Please refer to the section FORMATTING for more information. .TP \fB\-\-use\-format \fI=\fR\fR Use the format string identified by \fI\fR (defined with \-\-format) as the format string to use when formatting with the builtin format \fI\fR. .TP \fB\-\-sort \fI\fR\fR Sort the database with the specified expression. Refer to the section \fISORTING\fR for more detailed information. .TP \fB\-\-paranoid\fR Be paranoid about some settings, including permissions. .TP \fB\-\-database\-loaders \fI\fR\fR Try the database formats in the given order. Valid formats are \fIxml\fR and \fIbinary\fR. eg. todo \-\-database\-loaders binary,xml. The default format is XML. .TP \fB\-\-backup [\fI\fR]\fR Backup the database up to \fI\fR times, just before it is written to. If \fI\fR is not specified, one backup will be made. The filenames used to store the backups are the default database name with their revision appended like so: .todo.1, .todo.2, etc. To actually use one of these backups, you can either mv it to .todo or use \-\-database .todo. to explicitly specify its use. .TP \fB\-s, \-\-summary\fR Toggle "summary" mode, where long items are truncated to one line. .TP \fB\-c, \-\-comment\fR Edit or show comments respectively. .TP \fB\-\-timeout [\fI