.TH UPDATE-PROFILE-CACHE 1 "December 13, 2006" "desktop-profiles" .SH NAME update-profile-cache \- (re)generate profile assignment cache .SH SYNOPSIS update-profile-cache .SH DESCRIPTION Running this script (re)generates the cache of profile assignments used by desktop-profiles. By default this script is run automatically once a day by a cron script. . .IP NOTE: No cache of assignments will be generated in cases where cache use isn't supported by desktop-profiles (at the moment caching profile assingments is only supported in the simple case when no group or command requirements are used for activation of profiles, i.e. when we have a static machine-wide profile assignment). .SH FILES /etc/desktop-profiles/*.listing - Files containing the metadata about installed profiles .PP /etc/default/desktop-profiles - File containing default settings for this script .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Bart Cornelis . .PP .SH SEE ALSO desktop-profiles(7), list-desktop-profiles(1)