.TH ssg_symop_canonical .SH NAME ssg_symop_canonical \- Canonicalise superspace group symmetry operator strings. USAGE: ssg_symop_canonical < input.symop USAGE: ssg_symop_canonical input.symop USAGE: ssg_symop_canonical input1.symop input*.symop .SH SYNOPSIS ssg_symop_canonical [options] [input files] .SH DESCRIPTION Canonicalise superspace group symmetry operator strings. USAGE: ssg_symop_canonical < input.symop USAGE: ssg_symop_canonical input.symop USAGE: ssg_symop_canonical input1.symop input*.symop .SH OPTIONS \-\-help, \-\-usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit. \-\-version Output version information and exit. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report ssg_symop_canonical bugs using e\-mail: cod\-bugs@ibt.lt