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CLBLAS(1) User Commands CLBLAS(1)


clBLAS-client - program to test different options for the OpenCL BLAS library


clBLAS client command line options:

-h [ --help ]
produces this help message
-g [ --gpu ]
Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device
-c [ --cpu ]
Force instantiation of an OpenCL CPU device
-a [ --all ]
Force instantiation of all OpenCL devices
Use an image-based kernel
-m [ --sizem ] arg (=128)
Number of rows in A and C
-n [ --sizen ] arg (=128)
Number of columns in B and C
-k [ --sizek ] arg (=128)
Number of columns in A and rows in B
--lda arg (=0)
First dimension of A in memory.
if set to 0, lda will default to M (when transposeA is "no transpose")
or K (otherwise)
--ldb arg (=0)
First dimension of B in memory.
if set to 0, ldb will default to K (when transposeB is "no transpose")
or N (otherwise)
--ldc arg (=0)
First dimension of C in memory.
if set to 0, ldc will default to M
--offA arg (=0)
Offset of the matrix A in memory object
--offBX arg (=0)
Offset of the matrix B or vector X in memory object
--offCY arg (=0)
Offset of the matrix C or vector Y in memory object
--alpha arg (=1)
Specifies the scalar alpha
--beta arg (=1)
Specifies the scalar beta
-o [ --order ] arg (=0)
0 = row major, 1 = column major
--transposeA arg (=0)
0 = no transpose, 1 = transpose, 2 = conjugate transpose
--transposeB arg (=0)
0 = no transpose, 1 = transpose, 2 = conjugate transpose
-f [ --function ] arg (=gemm)
BLAS function to test.
Options: gemm, trsm, trmm, gemv, symv, syrk, syr2k
-r [ --precision ] arg (=s)
Options: s,d,c,z
--side arg (=0)
0 = left, 1 = right.
only used with [list of function families]
--uplo arg (=0)
0 = upper, 1 = lower.
only used with [list of function families]
--diag arg (=0)
0 = unit diagonal, 1 = non unit diagonal.
only used with [list of function families]
-p [ --profile ] arg (=20)
Time and report the kernel speed (default: profiling off)
--roundtrip arg (=noroundtrip)
Including the time of OpenCL memory allocation and transportation
Options: roundtrip, noroundtrip(default)
--memalloc arg (=default)
Setting the memory allocation flags for OpenCL
no effect if roundtrip time is not measured
Options: default(default), alloc_host_ptr, use_host_ptr,
copy_host_ptr, use_persistent_mem_amd, rect_mem


Copyright © 2015 Ghislain Antony Vaillant

This manual page was written for the Debian system.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify
this document under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause license.

April 2015 clBLAS client API version: 2.4.0