.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.2.1 .\" .TH "trees\-consensus" "1" "Feb 2018" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]trees\-consensus\f[] \- Find consensus trees and supported splits. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]trees\-consensus\f[] [OPTIONS] \f[I]sampled\-trees\f[] [\f[I]sampled\-trees\f[] ... \f[I]sampled\-trees\f[]] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Find consensus trees and supported splits. .SH INPUT OPTIONS: .TP .B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[] Produce help message. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-s\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=10%), \f[B]\-\-skip\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=10%) Number of trees to skip. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-u\f[] \f[I]arg\f[], \f[B]\-\-until\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Read until this number of trees. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-m\f[] \f[I]arg\f[], \f[B]\-\-max\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Thin tree samples down to this number of trees. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-x\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=1), \f[B]\-\-subsample\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=1) Factor by which to subsample. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-ignore\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Comma\-separated list of taxa to ignore. .RS .RE .SH REPORTING OPTIONS: .TP .B \f[B]\-\-map\-trees\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=1) Only report the top trees per file. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-map\-tree\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write out the map tree to file . .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-min\-support\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=0.25) Minimum threshold PP for splits. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-report\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write supported partitions to file . .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-consensus\-PP\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write out consensus trees+PP. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-consensus\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write out consensus trees. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-greedy\-consensus\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write out greedy consensus trees. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-extended\-consensus\-L\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write out extended consensus trees + lengths. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-extended\-consensus\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write out extended consensus trees. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-support\-levels\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write #branches versus LOD to file . .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-extended\-support\-levels\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Write #sub\-branches versus LOD to file . .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-odds\-ratio\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=1.5) Report partial\-splits only if removing taxa improves the odds by at least this ratio. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-\-verbose\f[] Output more log messages on stderr. .RS .RE .SH SEARCH OPTIONS: .TP .B \f[B]\-\-sub\-partitions\f[] Search for partial splits. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-depth\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=1) Depth at which to look for partial splits. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-rooting\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=0.9) Threshold in search for partial splits. .RS .RE .SH REPORTING BUGS: .PP BAli\-Phy online help: . .PP Please send bug reports to . .SH AUTHORS Benjamin Redelings.