.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.2.1 .\" .TH "alignment\-distances" "1" "Feb 2018" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]alignment\-distances\f[] \- Compute distances between alignments. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]alignment\-distances\f[] \f[I]analysis\f[] alignments\-file1 [alignments\-file2 ...] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Compute distances between alignments. .SH INPUT OPTIONS: .TP .B \f[B]\-h\f[], \f[B]\-\-help\f[] Produce help message .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-s\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=0), \f[B]\-\-skip\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=0) Number of alignment samples to skip. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-m\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=1000), \f[B]\-\-max\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=1000) Maximum number of alignments to analyze. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-v\f[], \f[B]\-\-verbose\f[] Output more log messages on stderr. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-alphabet\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Specify the alphabet: DNA, RNA, Amino\-Acids, Amino\-Acids+stop, Triplets, Codons, or Codons+stop. .RS .RE .SH ANALYSIS OPTIONS: .TP .B \f[B]\-\-distances\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=splits:splits2:nonrecall:inaccuracy) Colon\-separated list of distances. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-analysis\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] Analysis: score, AxA, NxN, compare, median, distances .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-CI\f[] \f[I]arg\f[] (=0.94999999999999996) Confidence interval size. .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-mean\f[] Show mean and standard deviation .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-median\f[] Show median and confidence interval .RS .RE .TP .B \f[B]\-\-minmax\f[] Show minimum and maximum distances .RS .RE .SH EXAMPLES: .PP Compute distances from true.fasta to each in As.fasta: .IP .nf \f[C] %\ alignment\-distances\ score\ true.fasta\ As.fasta \f[] .fi .PP Compute distance matrix between all pairs of alignments in all files: .IP .nf \f[C] %\ alignment\-distances\ AxA\ file1.fasta\ ...\ fileN.fasta \f[] .fi .PP Compute all NxN pairwise alignment accuracies, averaged over As: .IP .nf \f[C] %\ alignment\-distances\ NxN\ true.fasta\ As.fasta \f[] .fi .PP Find alignment with smallest average distance to other alignments: .IP .nf \f[C] %\ alignment\-distances\ median\ As.fasta\ A.fasta \f[] .fi .PP Compare the distances with\-in and between the two groups: .IP .nf \f[C] %\ alignment\-distances\ compare\ A\-dist1.fasta\ A\-dist2.fasta \f[] .fi .PP Report distribution of average distance to other alignments: .IP .nf \f[C] %\ alignment\-distances\ distances\ As.fasta\ A.fasta \f[] .fi .SH REPORTING BUGS: .PP BAli\-Phy online help: . .PP Please send bug reports to . .SH AUTHORS Benjamin Redelings.