.ig Copyright (C) 1993,1994 by the author(s). This software is published in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY for any part of this software to work correctly or as described in the manuals. See the ShapeTools Public License for details. Permission is granted to use, copy, modify, or distribute any part of this software but only under the conditions described in the ShapeTools Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given to you along with ShapeTools in a file named LICENSE. Among other things, this copyright notice and the Public License must be preserved on all copies. Author: Andreas Lampen (Andreas.Lampen@cs.tu-berlin.de) $Header: atlog.3[7.0] Fri Jun 25 16:39:38 1993 andy@cs.tu-berlin.de frozen $ .. .TH atlog 3 "Fri Jun 25 16:39:38 1993" "AtFStk-1.12" "AtFS Toolkit Library" .SH NAME atSetComment, atUnlock \- log and lock handling .SH SYNOPSIS #include .br #include .sp int atSetComment (Af_key *aso, int commentType, char *commentText, int mode); .sp int atUnlock (Af_key *aso); .sp .SH DESCRIPTION \fIatSetComment\fP sets a comment attribute for the attributed software object \fIaso\fP. Valid \fIcommentType\fPs are .TP 3c AT_COMMENT_INTENT for expressing a change intent describing planned modifications. .TP AT_COMMENT_DESCR for issuing a descriptive text expressing the purpose of the document. .TP AT_COMMENT_LOG for writing a change log describing the changes made. .LP With the argument \fIcommentText\fP, a default text may be given. According to the mode (see below), the user will be asked for entering the comment attribute value. When a default text is given, this will be offered for modification. With an commentText argument, the previous of the according comment attribute is taken as default text. .LP With the \fImode\fP field, the behavior of atSetComment can be influenced. Three flags may me set: .TP 3c AT_FROMSTDIN advises atSetComment to read the user input from standard input, otherwise an editor will be started. .TP AT_REUSE causes reuse of the comment text expressed during the previous invocation of atSetComment, if there was any. .TP AT_CONFIRM lets the user confirm, that an comment shall be expressed. Otherwise, atSetComment asks for the comment text without prior confirmation. This flag is ignored, when AT_FROMSTDIN is set and the change comment is taken from standard input. .LP \fIatUnlock\fP unlocks \fIaso\fP by calling af_unlock (manual page af_lock(3)). If a change intent was previously set for \fIaso\fP, this will be eliminated. .SH DIAGNOSTICS atSetComment and atUnlock return FALSE (zero) on error. Additionally, the \fIatError\fP variable is set and \fIafErrMsg\fP holds a diagnostic message. .SH ENVIRONMENT EDITOR \- the default editor to be called. .SH SEE ALSO af_lock(3)