.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.2.1 .\" .TH "al_ref_ustr" "3alleg5" "" "Allegro reference manual" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP al_ref_ustr \- Allegro 5 API .SH SYNOPSIS .IP .nf \f[C] #include\ const\ ALLEGRO_USTR\ *al_ref_ustr(ALLEGRO_USTR_INFO\ *info,\ const\ ALLEGRO_USTR\ *us, \ \ \ int\ start_pos,\ int\ end_pos) \f[] .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Create a read\-only string that references the storage of another ALLEGRO_USTR(3alleg5) string. The information about the string (e.g.\ its size) is stored in the structure pointed to by the \f[C]info\f[] parameter. The new string will not have any other storage allocated of its own, so if you allocate the \f[C]info\f[] structure on the stack then no explicit \[lq]free\[rq] operation is required. .PP The referenced interval is [\f[C]start_pos\f[], \f[C]end_pos\f[]). Both are byte offsets. .PP The string is valid until the underlying string is modified or destroyed. .PP If you need a range of code\-points instead of bytes, use al_ustr_offset(3alleg5) to find the byte offsets. .SH SEE ALSO .PP al_ref_cstr(3alleg5), al_ref_buffer(3alleg5)