.\" Generated by the Allegro makedoc utility .TH exscn3d 3alleg4 "version 4.4.2" "Allegro" "Allegro manual" .SH NAME exscn3d \- Using the 3d scene functions. Allegro game programming library.\& .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp .B Example exscn3d .SH DESCRIPTION This program demonstrates how to use scanline sorting algorithm in Allegro (create_scene, clear_scene, ... functions). It also provides an example of how to use the 3D clipping function. The example consists of a flyby through a lot of rotating 3d cubes. .SH SEE ALSO .BR BITMAP (3alleg4), .BR END_OF_FUNCTION (3alleg4), .BR END_OF_MAIN (3alleg4), .BR LOCK_FUNCTION (3alleg4), .BR LOCK_VARIABLE (3alleg4), .BR MATRIX_f (3alleg4), .BR PALETTE (3alleg4), .BR POLYTYPE_GCOL (3alleg4), .BR SCREEN_H (3alleg4), .BR SCREEN_W (3alleg4), .BR V3D_f (3alleg4), .BR allegro_error (3alleg4), .BR allegro_exit (3alleg4), .BR allegro_init (3alleg4), .BR allegro_message (3alleg4), .BR apply_matrix_f (3alleg4), .BR bitmap_color_depth (3alleg4), .BR blit (3alleg4), .BR clear_bitmap (3alleg4), .BR clear_scene (3alleg4), .BR clip3d_f (3alleg4), .BR create_bitmap (3alleg4), .BR create_scene (3alleg4), .BR desktop_palette (3alleg4), .BR destroy_bitmap (3alleg4), .BR destroy_scene (3alleg4), .BR font (3alleg4), .BR get_rotation_matrix_f (3alleg4), .BR get_translation_matrix_f (3alleg4), .BR gfx_mode_select_ex (3alleg4), .BR install_int (3alleg4), .BR install_keyboard (3alleg4), .BR install_mouse (3alleg4), .BR install_timer (3alleg4), .BR key (3alleg4), .BR matrix_mul_f (3alleg4), .BR palette_color (3alleg4), .BR persp_project_f (3alleg4), .BR polygon_z_normal_f (3alleg4), .BR render_scene (3alleg4), .BR scene_polygon3d_f (3alleg4), .BR screen (3alleg4), .BR set_color_depth (3alleg4), .BR set_gfx_mode (3alleg4), .BR set_palette (3alleg4), .BR set_projection_viewport (3alleg4), .BR textprintf_ex (3alleg4)