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yubico-piv-tool - Tool for managing Personal Identity Verification credentials on Yubikeys


yubico-piv-tool [OPTIONS]...


yubico-piv-tool 2.2.0
-h, --help
Print help and exit
Print help, including hidden options, and exit
-V, --version
Print version and exit
-v, --verbose[=INT]
Print more information (default=`0')
-r, --reader=STRING
Only use a matching reader (default=`Yubikey')
-k, --key[=STRING]
Management key to use, if no value is specified key will be asked for (default=`010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708')
-a, --action=ENUM
Action to take (possible values="version", "generate", "set-mgm-key", "reset", "pin-retries", "import-key", "import-certificate", "set-chuid", "request-certificate", "verify-pin", "change-pin", "change-puk", "unblock-pin", "selfsign-certificate", "delete-certificate", "read-certificate", "status", "test-signature", "test-decipher", "list-readers", "set-ccc", "write-object", "read-object", "attest")
Multiple actions may be given at once and will be executed in order for example --action=verify-pin --action=request-certificate
-s, --slot=ENUM
What key slot to operate on (possible values="9a", "9c", "9d", "9e", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "8a", "8b", "8c", "8d", "8e", "8f", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "f9")
9a is for PIV Authentication 9c is for Digital Signature (PIN always checked) 9d is for Key Management 9e is for Card Authentication (PIN never checked) 82-95 is for Retired Key Management f9 is for Attestation
-A, --algorithm=ENUM
What algorithm to use (possible values="RSA1024", "RSA2048", "ECCP256", "ECCP384" default=`RSA2048')
-H, --hash=ENUM
Hash to use for signatures (possible values="SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512" default=`SHA256')
-n, --new-key=STRING
New management key to use for action set-mgm-key, if omitted key will be asked for
Number of retries before the pin code is blocked
Number of retries before the puk code is blocked
-i, --input=STRING
Filename to use as input, - for stdin (default=`-')
-o, --output=STRING
Filename to use as output, - for stdout (default=`-')
-K, --key-format=ENUM
Format of the key being read/written (possible values="PEM", "PKCS12", "GZIP", "DER", "SSH" default=`PEM')
-p, --password=STRING
Password for decryption of private key file, if omitted password will be asked for
-S, --subject=STRING
The subject to use for certificate request
The subject must be written as: /
Serial number of the self-signed certificate
Time (in days) until the self-signed certificate expires (default=`365')
-P, --pin=STRING
Pin/puk code for verification, if omitted pin/puk will be asked for
-N, --new-pin=STRING
New pin/puk code for changing, if omitted pin/puk will be asked for
Set pin policy for action generate or import-key. Only available on YubiKey 4 (possible values="never", "once", "always")
Set touch policy for action generate, import-key or set-mgm-key. Only available on YubiKey 4 (possible values="never", "always", "cached")
Id of object for write/read object
-f, --format=ENUM
Format of data for write/read object (possible values="hex", "base64", "binary" default=`hex')
Add attestation cross-signature (default=off)
February 2021 yubico-piv-tool 2.2.0