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BABEL.JS(1) User Commands BABEL.JS(1)


babel.js - The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript


babel [options] <files ...>


-f, --filename [filename]
The filename to use when reading from stdin. This will be used in source-maps, errors etc.
--presets [list]
A comma-separated list of preset names.
--plugins [list]
A comma-separated list of plugin names.
--config-file [path]
Path to a .babelrc file to use.
--env-name [name]
The name of the 'env' to use when loading configs and plugins. Defaults to the value of BABEL_ENV, or else NODE_ENV, or else 'development'.
--root-mode [mode]
The project-root resolution mode. One of 'root' (the default), 'upward', or 'upward-optional'.

--source-type [script|module]

Whether or not to look up .babelrc and .babelignore files.
--ignore [list]
List of glob paths to **not** compile.
--only [list]
List of glob paths to **only** compile.
Enable or disable ANSI syntax highlighting of code frames. (on by default)
Write comments to generated output. (true by default)
Retain line numbers. This will result in really ugly code.
--compact [true|false|auto]
Do not include superfluous whitespace characters and line terminators.
Save as many bytes when printing. (false by default)
--auxiliary-comment-before [string]
Print a comment before any injected non-user code.
--auxiliary-comment-after [string]
Print a comment after any injected non-user code.

-s, --source-maps [true|false|inline|both]

--source-map-target [string]
Set `file` on returned source map.
--source-file-name [string]
Set `sources[0]` on returned source map.
--source-root [filename]
The root from which all sources are relative.
--module-root [filename]
Optional prefix for the AMD module formatter that will be prepended to the filename on module definitions.
-M, --module-ids
Insert an explicit id for modules.
--module-id [string]
Specify a custom name for module ids.
-x, --extensions [extensions]
List of extensions to compile when a directory has been the input. [.es6,.js,.es,.jsx,.mjs]
Preserve the file extensions of the input files.
-w, --watch
Recompile files on changes.
Do not compile files before watching.
-o, --out-file [out]
Compile all input files into a single file.
-d, --out-dir [out]
Compile an input directory of modules into an output directory.
Compile into an output directory relative to input directory or file. Requires --out-dir [out]
-D, --copy-files
When compiling a directory copy over non-compilable files.
Include dotfiles when compiling and copying non-compilable files.
Exclude ignored files when copying non-compilable files.
Log everything. This option conflicts with --quiet
Don't log anything. This option conflicts with --verbose
Delete the out directory before compilation.
--out-file-extension [string]
Use a specific extension for the output files
-V, --version
output the version number
-h, --help
display help for command
January 2021 babel.js 7.12.12+~cs150.141.84