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musicxml2ly - manual page for musicxml2ly (LilyPond) 2.20.0


musicxml2ly [OPTION]... FILE.xml


Convert MusicXML from FILE.xml to LilyPond input. If the given filename is -, musicxml2ly reads from the command line.


-h, --help
show this help and exit
show version number and exit
-v, --verbose
be verbose
use lxml.etree; uses less memory and cpu time
-z, --compressed
input file is a zip-compressed MusicXML file
-r, --relative
convert pitches in relative mode (default)
-a, --absolute
convert pitches in absolute mode
-l, --language=LANG
use LANG for pitch names, e.g. 'deutsch' for note names in German
Print log messages according to LOGLEVEL (NONE, ERROR, WARNING, PROGRESS (default), DEBUG)
--nd --no-articulation-directions
do not convert directions (^, _ or -) for articulations, dynamics, etc.
--nrp --no-rest-positions
do not convert exact vertical positions of rests
--nsb --no-system-breaks
ignore system breaks
--npb --no-page-breaks
ignore page breaks
--npm --no-page-margins
ignore page margins
--npl --no-page-layout
do not convert the exact page layout and breaks (shortcut for "--nsb --npb --npm" options)
--nsd --no-stem-directions
ignore stem directions from MusicXML, use lilypond's automatic stemming instead
--nb --no-beaming
do not convert beaming information, use lilypond's automatic beaming instead
-o, --output=FILE
set output filename to FILE, stdout if -
-m, --midi
activate midi-block in .ly file
set pitch to transpose by the interval between pitch 'c' and TOPITCH
--sm --shift-meter=BEATS/BEATTYPE
change the length|duration of notes as a function of a given time signature to make the score look faster or slower, (eg. '4/4' or '2/2')
--tc --tab-clef=TABCLEFNAME
switch between two versions of tab clefs ("tab" and "moderntab")
--sn --string-numbers=t[rue]/f[alse]
deactivate string number stencil with --string-numbers f[alse]. Default is t[rue]
--fb --fretboards
converts '<frame>' events to a separate FretBoards voice instead of markups


Report bugs via


Copyright © 2005--2016 by
Han-Wen Nienhuys <>, Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> and Reinhold Kainhofer <> Patrick L. Schmidt <>

This program is free software. It is covered by the GNU General Public License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Invoke as `lilypond --warranty' for more information.


The full documentation for musicxml2ly is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and musicxml2ly programs are properly installed at your site, the command
info musicxml2ly

should give you access to the complete manual.

December 2020 musicxml2ly (LilyPond) 2.20.0