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GALLERY-DL(1) gallery-dl Manual GALLERY-DL(1)


gallery-dl - download image-galleries and -collections


gallery-dl [OPTION]... URL...


gallery-dl is a command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites. It is a cross-platform tool with many configuration options and powerful filenaming capabilities.


-h, --help
Print this help message and exit
Print program version and exit
-d, --dest DEST
Destination directory
-i, --input-file FILE
Download URLs found in FILE ('-' for stdin)
--cookies FILE
File to load additional cookies from
--proxy URL
Use the specified proxy
Delete all cached login sessions, cookies, etc.
-q, --quiet
Activate quiet mode
-v, --verbose
Print various debugging information
-g, --get-urls
Print URLs instead of downloading
-j, --dump-json
Print JSON information
-s, --simulate
Simulate data extraction; do not download anything
-K, --list-keywords
Print a list of available keywords and example values for the given URLs
Print a list of available extractor modules
Print a list of extractor classes with description, (sub)category and example URL
--write-log FILE
Write logging output to FILE
--write-unsupported FILE
Write URLs, which get emitted by other extractors but cannot be handled, to FILE
Write downloaded intermediary pages to files in the current directory to debug problems
-r, --limit-rate RATE
Maximum download rate (e.g. 500k or 2.5M)
-R, --retries N
Maximum number of retries for failed HTTP requests or -1 for infinite retries (default: 4)
-A, --abort N
Abort extractor run after N consecutive file downloads have been skipped, e.g. if files with the same filename already exist
--http-timeout SECONDS
Timeout for HTTP connections (default: 30.0)
--sleep SECONDS
Number of seconds to sleep before each download
--filesize-min SIZE
Do not download files smaller than SIZE (e.g. 500k or 2.5M)
--filesize-max SIZE
Do not download files larger than SIZE (e.g. 500k or 2.5M)
Do not use .part files
Do not skip downloads; overwrite existing files
Do not set file modification times according to Last-Modified HTTP response headers
Do not download any files
Disable HTTPS certificate validation
-c, --config FILE
Additional configuration files
-o, --option OPT
Additional '<key>=<value>' option values
Do not read the default configuration files
-u, --username USER
Username to login with
-p, --password PASS
Password belonging to the given username
Enable .netrc authentication data
--download-archive FILE
Record all downloaded files in the archive file and skip downloading any file already in it.
--range RANGE
Index-range(s) specifying which images to download. For example '5-10' or '1,3-5,10-'
--chapter-range RANGE
Like '--range', but applies to manga-chapters and other delegated URLs
--filter EXPR
Python expression controlling which images to download. Files for which the expression evaluates to False are ignored. Available keys are the filename-specific ones listed by '-K'. Example: --filter "image_width >= 1000 and rating in ('s', 'q')"
--chapter-filter EXPR
Like '--filter', but applies to manga-chapters and other delegated URLs
Store downloaded files in a ZIP archive
Convert Pixiv Ugoira to WebM (requires FFmpeg)
Convert Pixiv Ugoira to WebM in VP9 lossless mode
Write metadata to separate JSON files
Write image tags to separate text files
Set file modification times according to 'date' metadata
--exec CMD
Execute CMD for each downloaded file. Example: --exec 'convert {} {}.png && rm {}'
--exec-after CMD
Execute CMD after all files were downloaded successfully. Example: --exec-after 'cd {} && convert * ../doc.pdf'


gallery-dl URL
Download images from URL.
gallery-dl -g -u <username> -p <password> URL
Print direct URLs from a site that requires authentication.
gallery-dl --filter 'type == "ugoira"' --range '2-4' URL
Apply filter and range expressions. This will only download the second, third, and fourth file where its type value is equal to "ugoira".
gallery-dl r:URL
Scan URL for other URLs and invoke gallery-dl on them.
gallery-dl oauth:SITE-NAME
Gain OAuth authentication tokens for deviantart, flickr, reddit, smugmug, and tumblr.


The system wide configuration file.
Per user configuration file.
Alternate per user configuration file.



Mike Fährmann <>


2021-02-14 1.16.5