.TH "TOPCOM" "7" "0.17.8" "TOPCOM" "User Commands" .SH "NAME" TOPCOM \- triangulations of point configurations and oriented matroids .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP TOPCOM programs share a command-line parsing library. Therefore, all TOPCOM programs accept the following options. Note that some options are not relevant to all TOPCOM programs. .PP Options concerning shell output: .TP \fB\-h\fP, \fB\-\-help\fP summarize the program options. .TP \fB\-v\fP write verbose information to stderr. .TP \fB\-\-reportfrequency\fP \fI[N]\fP report every Nth new triangulation. .TP \fB\-d\fP write debug information to stderr. .TP \fB\-\-heights\fP write height vectors for triangulations to stdout (implies \fB\-\-regular\fP). .TP \fB\-\-flips\fP write flips as pairs of triangulation IDs to stdout. .PP Options for checking input: .TP \fB\-\-checktriang\fP check any given triangulations for correctness. .PP Options for reporting properties of discovered triangulations: .TP \fB\-\-flipdeficiency\fP report flip deficiency in triangulations to stderr. .TP \fB\-\-checkfrequency\fP \fI[N]\fP check for regularity every Nth triangulation and exit if regular. .PP Options concerning which triangulations are output (no influence on exploration): .TP \fB\-\-cardinality\fP \fI[N]\fP count/output only triangulations of cardinality N. .TP \fB\-\-nonregular\fP count/output only non-regular triangulations. .PP Options concerning which triangulations are explored: .TP \fB\-\-regular\fP consider only regular triangulations. .TP \fB\-\-noinsertion\fP never use a point that is unused in the seed triangulation. .TP \fB\-\-reducepoints\fP try to remove the number of use points, reported to stderr. .TP \fB\-\-keepcard\fP never change the cardinality of triangulations by flipping. .PP Options concerning symmetries: .TP \fB\-\-affine\fP assume that given symmetries are affine. .TP \fB\-\-nosymmetries\fP ignore symmetries. .PP Options for dumping and reading the status of an interrupted computation: .TP \fB\-\-dump\fP dump status of previous computation (last completed BFS round) into file. .TP \fB\-\-dumpfile\fP \fI[FILENAME]\fP set dump file name to FILENAME (default: "TOPCOM.dump"). .TP \fB\-\-dumpfrequency\fP \fI[N]\fP dump each Nth completed BFS round (default: 1). .TP \fB\-\-dumprotations\fP \fI[N]\fP dump into N rotating files. .TP \fB\-\-read\fP read status of previous computation (last completed BFS round) from file. .TP \fB\-\-readfile\fP \fI[FILENAME]\fP set dump file name to read to FILENAME (default: "TOPCOM.dump"). .PP Options concerning internal behaviour: .TP \fB\-\-memopt\fP try to reduce memory consumption. .TP \fB\-\-chirocache\fP \fI[N]\fP set the chirotope cache to N elements. .TP \fB\-\-localcache\fP \fI[N]\fP set the cache for local data to N elements. .TP \fB\-\-soplex\fP use soplex for regularity checks. Note that soplex is not available from Fedora due to its non-free license. .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fItopcom-B_A\fP(1), \fItopcom-B_A_center\fP(1), \fItopcom-B_D\fP(1), \fItopcom-checkregularity\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2allfinetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2alltriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2circuits\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2cocircuits\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2dual\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2finetriang\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2finetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2mintriang\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2nallfinetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2nalltriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2nfinetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2ntriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2placingtriang\fP(1), \fItopcom-chiro2triangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-cocircuits2facets\fP(1), \fItopcom-cross\fP(1), \fItopcom-cube\fP(1), \fItopcom-cyclic\fP(1), \fItopcom-hypersimplex\fP(1), \fItopcom-lattice\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2allfinetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2alltriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2chiro\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2facets\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2finetriang\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2finetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2flips\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2nallfinetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2nalltriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2nfinetriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2nflips\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2ntriangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2placingtriang\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2triangs\fP(1), \fItopcom-points2volume\fP(1), \fItopcom-santos_22_triang\fP(1), \fItopcom-santos_dim4_triang\fP(1), \fItopcom-santos_triang\fP(1)