.TH tinysshd 8 .SH NAME tinysshd \- Tiny SSH daemon .SH SYNOPSIS .B tinysshd [ options ] .I keydir .SH DESCRIPTION .B tinysshd is a minimalistic SSH server which implements only a subset of SSHv2 features. .sp .B tinysshd supports only secure cryptography (minimum 128\-bit security, protected against cache\-timing attacks) .sp .B tinysshd doesn't implement unnecessary features (such as SSH1 protocol, compression, ...) .sp .B tinysshd doesn't implement older crypto (such as RSA, DSA, HMAC\-MD5, HMAC\-SHA1, 3DES, RC4, ...) .sp .B tinysshd doesn't implement unsafe features (such as password or hostbased authentication) .sp .B tinysshd doesn't use dynamic memory allocation (no allocation failures, etc.) .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-q no error messages .TP .B \-Q print error messages (default) .TP .B \-v print extra information .TP .B \-s enable state\-of\-the\-art crypto \- ssh\-ed25519, curve25519\-sha256, chacha20\-poly1305@openssh.com (default) .TP .B \-S disable state\-of\-the\-art crypto .TP .B \-p enable post\-quantum crypto \- TODO, sntrup4591761x25519-sha512@tinyssh.org, chacha20\-poly1305@openssh.com (default) .TP .B \-P disable post\-quantum crypto .TP .B \-l use syslog instead of standard error output (useful for running from inetd) .TP .B \-L don't use syslog, use standard error output (default) .TP .B \-x \fIname=command add subsystem command (e.g.: sftp=/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp\-server) .TP .I keydir directory containing TinySSH keys, typically /etc/tinyssh/sshkeydir .SH AUTHORIZATION .B tinysshd supports only public-key authorization via .B AuthorizedKeysFile ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Each line of the file contains one key in format "keytype base64-encoded-key comment". .B tinyssh supports only "ssh-ed25519" keytype. .sp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys example: .nf .RS 2 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILV5AGhGQ1QVXjBWhTKJP3vrqE3isL4ivisBailQ14gS comment .RE .SH RUNNING .TP .B TCPSERVER tcpserver \-HRDl0 22 /usr/sbin/tinysshd \-v /etc/tinyssh/sshkeydir & .TP .B BUSYBOX busybox tcpsvd 0 22 tinysshd \-v /etc/tinyssh/sshkeydir & .TP .B INETD .RS 4 /etc/inetd.conf: .RS 4 ssh stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tinysshd tinysshd \-l \-v /etc/tinyssh/sshkeydir .RE .RE .TP .B SYSTEMD .RS 4 tinysshd.socket: .RS 4 .nf [Unit] Description=TinySSH server socket ConditionPathExists=!/etc/tinyssh/disable_tinysshd [Socket] ListenStream=22 Accept=yes [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target .fi .RE .RE .sp .RS 4 tinysshd@.service: .RS 4 .nf [Unit] Description=Tiny SSH server After=network.target auditd.service [Service] ExecStartPre=\-/usr/sbin/tinysshd\-makekey \-q /etc/tinyssh/sshkeydir EnvironmentFile=\-/etc/default/tinysshd ExecStart=/usr/sbin/tinysshd ${TINYSSHDOPTS} \-\- /etc/tinyssh/sshkeydir KillMode=process StandardInput=socket StandardError=journal [Install] WantedBy=multi\-user.target .fi .RE .RE .SH SEE ALSO .BR tinysshd\-makekey (1), .BR tinysshd\-printkey (1) .sp .nf https://tinyssh.org/ .fi