.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "SNIFFLES" "1" "" "1.0.0" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP sniffles - structural variation caller for third-generation sequencing data .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]sniffles\f[R] -m \f[I]string\f[R] [-s \f[I]int\f[R]] [\[en]max_num_splits \f[I]int\f[R]] [-q \f[I]int\f[R]] [-l \f[I]int\f[R]] [-v \f[I]string\f[R]] [\[en]bede \f[I]string\f[R]] [-c \f[I]int\f[R]] [-t \f[I]int\f[R]] [-d \f[I]int\f[R]] [-n \f[I]int\f[R]] [\[en]] [\[en]version] [-h] .PP \f[B]sniffles\f[R] \f[B]-m\f[R] \f[I]reads.bam\f[R] \f[B]-v\f[R] \f[I]calls.vcf\f[R] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Sniffles is a structural variation caller using third generation sequencing (PacBio or Oxford Nanopore). It detects all types of SVs using evidence from split-read alignments, high-mismatch regions, and coverage analysis. Please note the current version of Sniffles requires output from BWA-MEM with the optional SAM attributes enabled! .SH OPTIONS .TP -m \f[I]string\f[R], \[en]mapped_reads \f[I]string\f[R] (required) Bam File .TP -s \f[I]int\f[R], \[en]min_support \f[I]int\f[R] Minimum number of reads that support a SV. Default: 10 .TP \[en]max_num_splits \f[I]int\f[R] Maximum number of splits per read to be still taken into account. Default: 4 .TP -q \f[I]int\f[R], \[en]minmapping_qual \f[I]int\f[R] Minimum Mapping Quality. Default: 20 .TP -l \f[I]int\f[R], \[en]min_length \f[I]int\f[R] Minimum length of SV to be reported. Default:0 .TP -v \f[I]string\f[R], \[en]vcf \f[I]string\f[R] VCF output file name .TP \[en]bede \f[I]string\f[R] Simplified format of bede Format. .TP -c \f[I]int\f[R], \[en]min_cigar_event \f[I]int\f[R] Minimum Cigar Event (e.g.\ Insertion, deletion) to take into account. Default:50 .TP -t \f[I]int\f[R], \[en]threads \f[I]int\f[R] Number of threads to use. Default: 3 .TP -d \f[I]int\f[R], \[en]max_distance \f[I]int\f[R] Maximum distance to group SV together. Default: 1kb .TP -n \f[I]int\f[R], \[en]num_reads_report \f[I]int\f[R] Report up to N reads that support the SV. Default: 0 .TP \[en], \[en]ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. .TP \[en]version Displays version information and exits. .TP -h, \[en]help Displays usage information and exits. .SH BUGS .PP If you experience problems or have suggestions please contact: fritz.sedlazeck\[at]gmail.com .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[B]bwa\f[R](1) .SH AUTHORS Fritz Sedlazeck .