.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.8. .TH SIMKAMERGE "1" "September 2019" "simkaMerge 1.5.1" "User Commands" .SH NAME simkaMerge \- comparative metagenomics method dedicated to NGS datasets .SH DESCRIPTION ERROR: Unknown parameter '\-h' ERROR: Option '\-nb\-cores' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-kmer\-size' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-in' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-out\-tmp\-simka' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-partition\-id' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-nb\-cores' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-max\-memory' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-kmer\-shannon\-index' is mandatory .PP [SimkaMerge options] .TP \fB\-nb\-cores\fR (1 arg) : number of cores [default '0'] .TP \fB\-verbose\fR (1 arg) : verbosity level [default '1'] .TP \fB\-version\fR (0 arg) : version .TP \fB\-help\fR (0 arg) : help .TP \fB\-nb\-cores\fR (1 arg) : nb cores .TP \fB\-kmer\-size\fR (1 arg) : kmer size .TP \fB\-in\fR (1 arg) : input filename .TP \fB\-out\-tmp\-simka\fR (1 arg) : tmp output .TP \fB\-partition\-id\fR (1 arg) : bank name .TP \fB\-nb\-cores\fR (1 arg) : bank name .TP \fB\-max\-memory\fR (1 arg) : bank name .TP \fB\-kmer\-shannon\-index\fR (1 arg) : bank name .TP \fB\-simple\-dist\fR (0 arg) : compute simple distances .TP \fB\-complex\-dist\fR (0 arg) : compute complex distances .SH AUTHOR This manpage was written by Shayan Doust for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.