.TH "seusers" "5" "28-Nov-2011" "Security Enhanced Linux" "SELinux configuration" .SH "NAME" seusers \- The SELinux GNU/Linux user to SELinux user mapping configuration file . .SH "DESCRIPTION" The .I seusers file contains a list GNU/Linux user to SELinux user mapping for use by SELinux-aware login applications such as \fBPAM\fR(8). .sp .BR selinux_usersconf_path "(3) " will return the active policy path to this file. The default SELinux users mapping file is located at: .RS .I /etc/selinux/{SELINUXTYPE}/seusers .RE .sp Where \fI{SELINUXTYPE}\fR is the entry from the selinux configuration file \fIconfig\fR (see \fBselinux_config\fR(5)). .sp .BR getseuserbyname "(3) reads this file to map a GNU/Linux user or group to an SELinux user. " . .SH "FILE FORMAT" Each line of the .I seusers configuration file consists of the following: .sp .RS \fR[\fB%\fIgroup_id\fR]|[\fIuser_id\fR]\fB:\fIseuser_id\fR[\fB:\fIrange\fR] .RE .sp Where: .RS \fIgroup_id\fR|\fIuser_id .RS \fRThe GNU/Linux user id, or if preceded by the percentage (\fB%\fR) symbol, then a GNU/Linux group id. .br An optional entry set to \fB__default__\fR can be provided as a fall back if required. .RE .I seuser_id .RS The SELinux user identity. .RE .I range .RS The optional level or range for an MLS/MCS policy. .RE .RE . .SH "EXAMPLE" # ./seusers .br system_u:system_u:s0\-s15:c0.c255 .br root:root:s0\-s15:c0.c255 .br fred:user_u:s0 .br __default__:user_u:s0 .br %user_group:user_u:s0 . .SH "SEE ALSO" .ad l .nh .BR selinux "(8), " PAM "(8), " selinux_usersconf_path "(3), " getseuserbyname "(3), " selinux_config "(5) "