.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "SCHLEUDER\-CLI" "8" "January 2017" "" "" . .SH "NAME" schleuder\-cli \- manage \fBschleuder\fR(8)\-lists, subscriptions, and keys\. . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBschleuder\-cli\fR \fIcmd\fR . .P \fBschleuder\-cli\fR help . .SH "DESCRIPTION" schleuder\-cli is a command line tool to create, configure, and delete schleuder\-lists, subscriptions, and OpenPGP\-keys\. . .P It uses the \fBschleuder\fR(8) API, provided by \fBschleuder\-api\-daemon\fR(8)\. . .P Authentication and TLS\-verification are mandatory\. You need an API\-key and the fingerprint of the TLS\-certificate of \fBschleuer\-api\-daemon\fR(8), respectively\. Both should be provided by the operators of \fBschleuer\-api\-daemon\fR(8)\. . .P schleuder\-cli does \fInot\fR authorize access\. Only people who are supposed to have full access to all lists should be allowed to use it on/with your server\. . .SH "ENVIRONMENT" . .SS "Configuration" SchleuderCli reads its settings from a file that it by default expects at \fB$HOME/\.schleuder\-cli/schleuder\-cli\.yml\fR\. To make it read a different file set the environment variable \fBSCHLEUDER_CLI_CONFIG\fR to the path to your file\. E\.g\.: . .IP "" 4 . .nf SCHLEUDER_CLI_CONFIG=/usr/local/etc/schleuder\-cli\.yml schleuder\-cli \.\.\. . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P The configuration file specifies how to connect to the Schleuder API\. If it doesn\'t exist, it will be filled with the default settings\. . .P The default settings will work out of the box with the default settings of Schleuder if both are running on the same host\. . .SS "Options" These are the configuration file options and their default values: . .TP \fBhost\fR The hostname (or IP\-address) to connect to\. Default: \fIlocalhost\fR\. . .TP \fBpost\fR The port to connect to\. Default: \fI4443\fR\. . .TP \fBtls_fingerprint\fR TLS\-fingerprint of the Schleuder API\. To be fetched from the API operators\. Default: empty\. . .TP \fBapi_key\fR Key to authenticate with against the Schleuder API\. To be fetched from the API operators\. Default: empty\. . .SH "FILES" . .TP \fB$HOME/\.schleuder\-cli/schleuder\-cli\.yml\fR default path of schleuder\-cli configuration file\. . .P The configuration file is formatted as YAML\. See \fIhttp://www\.yaml\.org/\fR for more details\. . .SH "BUGS" Known bugs are listed on the schleuder\-cli bugtracker at \fIhttps://0xacab\.org/schleuder/schleuder\-cli/issues\fR . .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBschleuder\fR(8), \fBschleuder\-api\-daemon\fR(8)\. . .TP Website of \fBschleuder\-cli\fR \fIhttps://0xacab\.org/schleuder/schleuder\-cli/\fR . .TP Website of \fBschleuder\fR \fIhttps://schleuder\.nadir\.org/\fR . .TP More extensive documentation for \fBschleuder\fR \fIhttps://schleuder\.nadir\.org/docs/\fR . .TP \fBschleuder\-web\fR, the web interface for list\-management \fIhttps://0xacab\.org/schleuder/schleuder\-web/\fR