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PYFAI-WAXS(1) User Commands PYFAI-WAXS(1)


pyFAI-waxs - Integrate 2D images into powder diffraction patterns


usage: pyFAI-waxs [options] -p ponifile file1.edf file2.edf ...

Azimuthal integration for powder diffraction.

positional arguments:

Image files to integrate

optional arguments:

show this help message and exit
show program's version number and exit
PyFAI parameter file (.poni)
Number of points in radial dimension
wavelength of the X-Ray beam in Angstrom
energy of the X-Ray beam in keV (hc=12.398419843320026keV.A)
dummy value for dead pixels
delta dummy value
name of the file containing the mask image
name of the file containing the dark current
name of the file containing the flat field
Polarization factor, from -1 (vertical) to +1 (horizontal), default is None for no correction, synchrotrons are around 0.95
Error model to use. Currently on 'poisson' is implemented
unit for the radial dimension: can be q_nm^-1, q_A^-1, 2th_deg, 2th_rad or r_mm
extension of the regrouped filename (.xy)
Integration method
Average out all frame in a file before integrating extracting variance, otherwise treat every single frame
Method for averaging out: can be 'mean' (default), 'min', 'max' or 'median
Perform 2D integration in addition to 1D

pyFAI-waxs is the script of pyFAI that allows data reduction (azimuthal integration) for Wide Angle Scattering to produce X-Ray Powder Diffraction Pattern with output axis in 2-theta space.

February 2021 pyFAI-waxs version 0.20.0 from 21/01/2021