.TH prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter 1 elasticsearch_exporter, version: 1.1.0 .SH "NAME" prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter \- Prometheus exporter for various metrics about ElasticSearch, written in Go. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .TP \fBprometheus-elasticsearch-exporter []\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .SH "OPTIONS" .TP \fB-h, --help\fR Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man). .TP \fB--web.listen-address=":9114"\fR Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. .TP \fB--web.telemetry-path="/metrics"\fR Path under which to expose metrics. .TP \fB--es.uri="http://localhost:9200"\fR HTTP API address of an Elasticsearch node. .TP \fB--es.timeout=5s\fR Timeout for trying to get stats from Elasticsearch. .TP \fB--es.all\fR Export stats for all nodes in the cluster. If used, this flag will override the flag es.node. .TP \fB--es.node="_local"\fR Node's name of which metrics should be exposed. .TP \fB--es.indices\fR Export stats for indices in the cluster. .TP \fB--es.indices_settings\fR Export stats for settings of all indices of the cluster. .TP \fB--es.cluster_settings\fR Export stats for cluster settings. .TP \fB--es.shards\fR Export stats for shards in the cluster (implies --es.indices). .TP \fB--es.snapshots\fR Export stats for the cluster snapshots. .TP \fB--es.clusterinfo.interval=5m\fR Cluster info update interval for the cluster label .TP \fB--es.ca=""\fR Path to PEM file that contains trusted Certificate Authorities for the Elasticsearch connection. .TP \fB--es.client-private-key=""\fR Path to PEM file that contains the private key for client auth when connecting to Elasticsearch. .TP \fB--es.client-cert=""\fR Path to PEM file that contains the corresponding cert for the private key to connect to Elasticsearch. .TP \fB--es.ssl-skip-verify\fR Skip SSL verification when connecting to Elasticsearch. .TP \fB--log.level="info"\fR Sets the loglevel. Valid levels are debug, info, warn, error .TP \fB--log.format="logfmt"\fR Sets the log format. Valid formats are json and logfmt .TP \fB--log.output="stdout"\fR Sets the log output. Valid outputs are stdout and stderr .TP \fB--version\fR Show application version.