.nh .TH podman\-completion(1) .SH NAME .PP podman\-completion \- Generate shell completion scripts .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBpodman completion\fP [\fIoptions\fP] \fIbash\fP|\fIzsh\fP|\fIfish\fP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The completion command allows you to generate shell completion scripts. Supported shells are \fBbash\fP, \fBzsh\fP and \fBfish\fP\&. .PP These script are used by the shell to provide suggestions and complete commands when you are typing the command and press [TAB]. .PP Usually these scripts are automatically installed via the package manager. .SH OPTIONS .SS \fB\-\-file\fP, \fB\-f\fP .PP Write the generated output to file. .SS \fB\-\-no\-desc\fP .PP Do not provide description in the completions. .SH Installation .SS BASH .PP Make sure you have \fB\fCbash\-completion\fR installed on your system. .PP To load the completion script into your current session run: \fB\fCsource <(podman completion bash)\fR .PP To make it available in all your bash sessions run: \fB\fCpodman completion bash \-f /etc/bash\_completion.d/podman\fR .SS ZSH .PP If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once: \fB\fCecho "autoload \-U compinit; compinit" >> \~/.zshrc\fR .PP To make it available in all your zsh sessions run: \fB\fCpodman completion zsh \-f "${fpath[1]}/\_podman"\fR .PP Once you reload the shell the autocompletion should be working. .SS FISH .PP To load the completion script into your current session run: \fB\fCpodman completion fish | source\fR .PP To make it available in all your fish sessions run: \fB\fCpodman completion fish \-f \~/.config/fish/completions/podman.fish\fR .SH SEE ALSO .PP podman(1)