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NANOFILT(1) User Commands NANOFILT(1)


NanoFilt - filtering and trimming of long read sequencing data


usage: NanoFilt [-h] [-v] [--logfile LOGFILE] [-l LENGTH]

[--maxlength MAXLENGTH] [-q QUALITY] [--minGC MINGC] [--maxGC MAXGC] [--headcrop HEADCROP] [--tailcrop TAILCROP] [-s SUMMARY] [--readtype {1D,2D,1D2}] [input]

Perform quality and/or length and/or GC filtering of (long read) fastq data. Reads on stdin.

General options:

show the help and exit
Print version and exit.
Specify the path and filename for the log file.
input, uncompressed fastq file

Options for filtering reads on.:

Filter on a minimum read length
Filter on a maximum read length
Filter on a minimum average read quality score
Sequences must have GC content >= to this. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Ignored if using summary file.
Sequences must have GC content <= to this. Float between 0.0 and 1.0. Ignored if using summary file.

Options for trimming reads.:

Trim n nucleotides from start of read
Trim n nucleotides from end of read

Input options.:

Use albacore or guppy summary file for quality scores
Which read type to extract information about from summary. Options are 1D, 2D or 1D2


gunzip -c reads.fastq.gz | NanoFilt -q 10 -l 500 --headcrop 50 | minimap2 genome.fa - | samtools sort -O BAM -@24 -o alignment.bam - gunzip -c reads.fastq.gz | NanoFilt -q 12 --headcrop 75 | gzip > trimmed-reads.fastq.gz gunzip -c reads.fastq.gz | NanoFilt -q 10 | gzip > highQuality-reads.fastq.gz


The full documentation for NanoFilt is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and NanoFilt programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info NanoFilt

should give you access to the complete manual.

June 2020 NanoFilt 2.6.0