.TH irtext2udp "1" "Last change: Oct 2016" "text2udp 0.10.1" "User Commands" .SH NAME .P \fBirtext2udp\fR - Convert pulse/space text data to binary UDP driver format .SH SYNOPSIS .P \fBirtext2udp\fR [\-r \fIresolution\fR] [\fIfile\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .P \fBirtext2udp\fR is a filter converting pulse/space printable data such as generated by\fB mode2(1)\fR to the binary format used by the LIRC udp driver. .P The file argument is a textfile with pulse/space data. If not given, standard input is used. Lines not starting with \fIspace\fR or \fIpulse\fR are silently ignored. .P The normal usage pattern is to combine \fBirtext2udp\fR with standard tools such as \fBncat(1)\fR or \fBsocat(1)\fR to send the binary data to a \fBlircd\fR instance using the udp driver. .P .SH OPTIONS .TP 4 \fB-r, --\fIresolution\fR <\fIresolution\fR> Udp packages are measured in ticks. The length of each tick is defined by the resolution. The default value is 61, computed as 1000000/16384 and corresponding to 1/16384 seconds. This is derived from old designs using a 32 kHz clock. .TP 4 \fB-v\fR , \fB--version\fR Print version and exit. .TP 4 \fB-h\fR , \fB--help\fR Print help message. .SH EXAMPLES .P Using ncat(1) or socat(1) to send data to a lircd instance using the udp driver listening on the default udp port 8765 on localhost: .nf irtext2udp < input-file | nc --udp localhost 8765 irtext2udp < input-file | socat STDIN UDP:localhost:8765 .if .B .SH SEE ALSO .br .B ncat(1) .br .B mode2(1) .br .B lircd(8) .br .B socat(1) .br .B http://lirc.org/html/udp.html