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opj_jp3d_compress - compress source file to jp3d


opj_jp3d_compress [optional arguments] -i source.{bin, pgx} -m characteristics.img -o destination.{jp3d}


Required Parameters (except with -h):

-i : source file (-i source.bin or source*.pgx)

-m : source characteristics file (-m imgfile.img)

-o : destination file (-o dest.jp3d)

Optional Parameters:

-h : display the help information

-n : number of resolutions (-n 3,3,3)

-I : use the irreversible transforms: ICT + DWT 9-7 (-I)

-C : coding algorithm (-C 2EB) [2EB, 3EB]

-r : different compression ratios for successive layers (-r 20,10,5)

The rate specified for each quality level is the desired compression factor, rate 1 means lossless compression (options -r and -q cannot be used together).

-q : different psnr for successive layers (-q 30,40,50)

(options -r and -q cannot be used together)

-b : size of code block (-b 32,32,32)

-c : size of precinct (-c 128,128,128)

-t : size of tile (-t 512,512,512)

-p : progression order (-p LRCP) [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL]

-s : subsampling factor (-s 2,2,2) [-s X,Y,Z]

Note: subsampling bigger than 2 can produce error.

-SOP : write SOP marker before each packet

-EPH : write EPH marker after each header packet

-M : code-block style (-M 0)

Indicate multiple modes by adding their values, for example: RESTART(4) + RESET(2) + SEGMARK(32) = -M 38

-D : define DC offset (-D 12)

-x : create an index file *.Idx (-x index_name.Idx)

-ROI : c=%d,U=%d

Quantization indices upshifted for component c=%d [%d = 0,1,2] with a value of U=%d [0 <= %d <= 37] (i.e. -ROI:c=0,U=25)

-d : offset of the origin of the volume (-d 150,300,100)

-l : offset of the origin of the tiles (-l 100,75,25)

Default coding:

- Lossless

- 1 tile

- Size of precinct : 2^15 x 2^15 x 2^15 (means 1 precinct)

- Size of code-block : 64 x 64 x 64

- Number of resolutions in x, y and z axis: 3

- No SOP marker in the codestream

- No EPH marker in the codestream

- No sub-sampling in x, y or z direction

- No mode switch activated

- Progression order: LRCP

- No index file

- No ROI upshifted

- No offset of the origin of the volume

- No offset of the origin of the tiles

- Reversible DWT 5-3 on each 2D slice

- Coding algorithm: 2D-EBCOT


The markers written to the main_header are : SOC SIZ COD QCD COM.

COD and QCD markers will never appear in the tile_header.

You need enough disk space memory (twice the original) to encode the volume, i.e. for a 1.5 GB volume you need a minimum of 3GB of disk memory)

When loading *.pgx files, a relative path to directory is needed for input argument followed by the common prefix of the slices and a '*' character representing sequential numeration ( -i relativepath/slices*.pgx ).

The index file has the structure below:

Image_height Image_width Image_depth
Progression order: 0 (LRCP)
Tiles_size_X Tiles_size_Y Tiles_size_Z
[Precincts_size_X_res_Nr Precincts_size_Y_res_Nr Precincts_size_Z_res_Nr]
[Precincts_size_X_res_0 Precincts_size_Y_res_0 Precincts_size_Z_res_0]
Tile_0 [start_pos end_header end_pos TotalDisto NumPix MaxMSE] ...
Tile_Nt [ '' '' '' '' '' '' ]
Tpacket_0 [Tile layer res. comp. prec. start_pos end_pos disto] ...
Tpacket_Np ['' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ]


This manual page was written by Mathieu Malaterre <> and Hugo Lefeuvre <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system, but may be used by others.

October 2019 opj_jp3d_compress 2.3.1