.TH t.rast3d.mapcalc 1grass "" "GRASS 7.8.5" "GRASS GIS User's Manual" .SH NAME \fI\fBt.rast3d.mapcalc\fR\fR \- Performs r3.mapcalc expressions on maps of sampled space time 3D raster datasets. .SH KEYWORDS temporal, algebra, raster3d, voxel, time .SH SYNOPSIS \fBt.rast3d.mapcalc\fR .br \fBt.rast3d.mapcalc \-\-help\fR .br \fBt.rast3d.mapcalc\fR [\-\fBns\fR] \fBinputs\fR=\fIname\fR[,\fIname\fR,...] \fBexpression\fR=\fIstring\fR [\fBmethod\fR=\fIname\fR[,\fIname\fR,...]] \fBoutput\fR=\fIname\fR \fBbasename\fR=\fIstring\fR [\fBnprocs\fR=\fIinteger\fR] [\-\-\fBoverwrite\fR] [\-\-\fBhelp\fR] [\-\-\fBverbose\fR] [\-\-\fBquiet\fR] [\-\-\fBui\fR] .SS Flags: .IP "\fB\-n\fR" 4m .br Register Null maps .IP "\fB\-s\fR" 4m .br Check the spatial topology of temporally related maps and process only spatially related maps .IP "\fB\-\-overwrite\fR" 4m .br Allow output files to overwrite existing files .IP "\fB\-\-help\fR" 4m .br Print usage summary .IP "\fB\-\-verbose\fR" 4m .br Verbose module output .IP "\fB\-\-quiet\fR" 4m .br Quiet module output .IP "\fB\-\-ui\fR" 4m .br Force launching GUI dialog .SS Parameters: .IP "\fBinputs\fR=\fIname[,\fIname\fR,...]\fR \fB[required]\fR" 4m .br Name of the input space time raster3d datasets .IP "\fBexpression\fR=\fIstring\fR \fB[required]\fR" 4m .br r3.mapcalc expression applied to each time step of the sampled data .IP "\fBmethod\fR=\fIname[,\fIname\fR,...]\fR" 4m .br The method to be used for sampling the input dataset .br Options: \fIstart, during, overlap, contain, equal, follows, precedes\fR .br Default: \fIduring,overlap,contain,equal\fR .IP "\fBoutput\fR=\fIname\fR \fB[required]\fR" 4m .br Name of the output space time raster3d dataset .IP "\fBbasename\fR=\fIstring\fR \fB[required]\fR" 4m .br Basename of the new generated output maps .br A numerical suffix separated by an underscore will be attached to create a unique identifier .IP "\fBnprocs\fR=\fIinteger\fR" 4m .br Number of r3.mapcalc processes to run in parallel .br Default: \fI1\fR .SH DESCRIPTION \fIt.rast3d.mapcalc\fR provides exact the same functionality as \fIt.rast.mapcalc\fR, but for space time 3D raster datasets. Please refer to t.rast.mapcalc for documentation. .PP It is a simple wrapper for r3.mapcalc enhanced with temporal functions. .SH SEE ALSO \fI t.rast.mapcalc, t.rast3d.algebra, r3.mapcalc, \fR .SH AUTHOR Sören Gebbert, Thünen Institute of Climate\-Smart Agriculture .SH SOURCE CODE .PP Available at: t.rast3d.mapcalc source code (history) .PP Main index | Temporal index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical index | Full index .PP © 2003\-2020 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.5 Reference Manual