.TH g.gui.vdigit 1grass "" "GRASS 7.8.5" "GRASS GIS User's Manual" .SH NAME \fI\fBg.gui.vdigit\fR\fR \- Interactive editing and digitization of vector maps. .SH KEYWORDS general, GUI, vector, editing, digitizer .SH SYNOPSIS \fBg.gui.vdigit\fR .br \fBg.gui.vdigit \-\-help\fR .br \fBg.gui.vdigit\fR [\-\fBc\fR] \fBmap\fR=\fIname\fR [\-\-\fBhelp\fR] [\-\-\fBverbose\fR] [\-\-\fBquiet\fR] [\-\-\fBui\fR] .SS Flags: .IP "\fB\-c\fR" 4m .br Create new vector map if doesn\(cqt exist .IP "\fB\-\-help\fR" 4m .br Print usage summary .IP "\fB\-\-verbose\fR" 4m .br Verbose module output .IP "\fB\-\-quiet\fR" 4m .br Quiet module output .IP "\fB\-\-ui\fR" 4m .br Force launching GUI dialog .SS Parameters: .IP "\fBmap\fR=\fIname\fR \fB[required]\fR" 4m .br Name of vector map to edit .br Or data source for direct OGR access .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBvector digitizer\fR is a \fIwxGUI\fR component intended for interactive editing and digitizing vector maps (see \fIv.edit\fR for non\-interactive vector editing GRASS capabilities). .PP Note that only vector maps stored or generated in the \fIcurrent\fR mapset can be opened for editing. .PP The digitizer allows editing of 2D vector features (points, lines, centroids, boundaries, and areas). .PP Vector features can be selected by mouse (bounding box or simply by mouse click, see select threshold in \fISettings→General→Select threshold\fR), or by query (eg. by line length, see \fISettings→Query Tool\fR). .SS STARTING THE DIGITIZER The vector digitizer can be launched from Map Display toolbar by selecting \(dqDigitize\(dq from \fITools\fR combobox. Vector map is selectable for editing from Digitizer toolbar (\(dqSelect vector map\(dq combobox, note that only vector maps from the current layer tree in Layer Manager are listed). The vector digitizer can alternatively be activated from the contextual menu in the Layer Manager by selecting \(dqStart editing\(dq on selected vector map in the layer tree, or directly from the Layer Manager toolbar . The vector digitizer also can also be launched from the command line as a stand\-alone application \fIg.gui.vdigit\fR. .SS CREATING A NEW VECTOR MAP A new vector map can be easily created from the digitizer toolbar by selecting \(dqNew vector map\(dq in \(dqSelect vector map\(dq combobox. A new vector map is created, added to the current layer tree in Layer Manager and opened for editing. \(dqSelect vector map\(dq combobox in the digitizer toolbar also allows easily switching between vector maps to be edited. .SS EDITING AN EXISTING VECTOR MAP An existing vector map selected in the digitizer toolbar in the \(dqSelect vector map\(dq combobox. This map is then opened for editing and added to the current layer tree in the \fILayer Manager\fR. This \(dqSelect vector map\(dq combobox in the digitizer toolbar also allows to easily switch between vector maps to be edited. .SS USING A RASTER BACKGROUND MAP In order to digitize from a raster map, simply load the map into the \fIMap Display\fR using the \fILayer Manager\fR. Then start digitizing, see below for details. .SS USING A VECTOR BACKGROUND MAP The vector digitizer allows you to select a \(dqbackground\(dq vector map. Loading it within the digitizer is different from simply loading it via \fILayer Manager\fR since direct interaction with single vector features then becomes possible. .br Vector features may be copied from the background map by \(dqCopy features from (background) vector map\(dq tool from the \(dqAdditional tools\(dq of the digitizer toolbar. Newly digitized vector features are snapped in the given threshold to the features from the background map. .SS DIGITIZER TOOLBAR .br .br .br .IP "  \fIDigitize new point\fR" 4m .br Add new point to vector map and optionally define its attributes. .IP "  \fIDigitize new line\fR" 4m .br Add new line to vector map and optionally define its attributes. .IP "  \fIDigitize new boundary\fR" 4m .br Add new boundary to vector map and optionally define its attributes. .IP "  \fIDigitize new centroid\fR" 4m .br Add new centroid to vector map and optionally define its attributes. .IP "  \fIDigitize new area\fR" 4m .br Add new area (closed boundary and one centroid inside) to vector map and optionally define its attributes. .IP "  \fIMove vertex\fR" 4m .br Move selected vertex of linear feature. Thus shape of linear feature is changed. .IP "  \fIAdd vertex\fR" 4m .br Add new vertex to selected linear feature (shape not changed). .IP "  \fIRemove vertex\fR" 4m .br Remove selected vertex from linear feature. Thus shape of selected feature can be changed. .IP "  \fIEdit line/boundary\fR" 4m .br Edit selected linear feature, add new segments or remove existing segments of linear feature. .IP "  \fIMove feature(s)\fR" 4m .br Move selected vector features. Selection can be done by mouse or by query. .IP "  \fIDelete feature(s)\fR" 4m .br Delete selected vector features (point, line, centroid, or boundary). Selection can be done by mouse or by query. .IP "  \fIDelete areas(s)\fR" 4m .br Delete selected vector areas. Selection can be done by mouse or by query. .IP "  \fIDisplay/update categories\fR" 4m .br Display categories of selected vector feature. Category settings can be modified, new layer/category pairs added or already defined pairs removed. .IP "  \fIDisplay/update attributes\fR" 4m .br Display attributes of selected vector feature (based on its category settings). Attributes can be also modified. Same functionality is accessible from Main toolbar \(dqQuery vector map (editable mode)\(dq. .IP "  \fIAdditional tools\fR" 4m .br .RS 4n .IP \(bu 4n \fIBreak selected lines/boundaries at intersection\fR .br Split given vector line or boundary into two lines on given position (based on \fIv.clean\fR, tool=break). .IP \(bu 4n \fIConnect two selected lines/boundaries\fR .br Connect selected lines or boundaries, the first given line is connected to the second one. The second line is broken if necessary on each intersection. The lines are connected only if distance between them is not greater than snapping threshold value. .IP \(bu 4n \fICopy categories\fR .br Copy category settings of selected vector feature to other vector features. Layer/category pairs of source vector features are appended to the target feature category settings. Existing layer/category pairs are not removed from category settings of the target features. .IP \(bu 4n \fICopy features from (background) vector map\fR .br Make identical copy of selected vector features. If a background vector map has been selected from the Layer Manager, copy features from background vector map, not from the currently modified vector map. .IP \(bu 4n \fICopy attributes\fR .br Duplicate attributes settings of selected vector feature to other vector features. New category(ies) is appended to the target feature category settings and attributes duplicated based on category settings of source vector features. Existing layer/category pairs are not removed from category settings of the target features. .IP \(bu 4n \fIFeature type conversion\fR .br Change feature type of selected geometry features. Points are converted to centroids, centroids to points, lines to boundaries and boundaries to lines. .IP \(bu 4n \fIFlip selected lines/boundaries\fR .br Flip direction of selected linear features (lines or boundaries). .IP \(bu 4n \fIMerge selected lines/boundaries\fR .br Merge (at least two) selected vector lines or boundaries. The geometry of the merged vector lines can be changed. If the second line from two selected lines is in opposite direction to the first, it will be flipped. See also module \fIv.build.polylines\fR. .IP \(bu 4n \fISnap selected lines/boundaries (only to nodes)\fR .br Snap vector features in given threshold. See also module \fIv.clean\fR. Note that this tool supports only snapping to nodes. Snapping to vector features from background vector map is not currently supported. .IP \(bu 4n \fISplit line/boundary\fR .br Split selected line or boundary on given position. .IP \(bu 4n \fIQuery tool\fR .br Select vector features by defining a threshold for min/max length value (linear features or dangles). .IP \(bu 4n \fIZ\-bulk labeling of 3D lines\fR .br Assign z coordinate values to 3D vector lines in bounding box. This is useful for labeling contour lines. .RE .IP "  \fIUndo\fR" 4m .br Undo previous operations. .IP "  \fIRedo\fR" 4m .br Redo previous operations. .IP "  \fISettings\fR" 4m .br Digitizer settings. .IP "  \fIQuit digitizing tool\fR" 4m .br Changes in vector map can be optionally discarded when digitizing session is quited. .SH NOTES .IP "\fBMouse button functions:\fR" 4m .br .IP "\fILeft\fR \- select or deselect features" 4m .IP "\fIControl+Left\fR \- cancel action or undo vertex when digitizing lines" 4m .IP "\fIRight\fR \- confirm action" 4m .PP \fIDead (deleted)\fR features are only marked as \(cqdead\(cq in the geometry file but remain there and occupy space. Any vector module used afterwards on this vector map which really reads and writes vector geometry (so not \fIg.copy\fR) will write only features which are \(cqalive\(cq. .PP \fIAdded or modified\fR vector features are \fIsnapped\fR to existing vector features (Settings→General→Snapping). To disable snapping set the snapping threshold to \(cq0\(cq. .PP If the digitizer crashes for some reason, the changes are automatically saved. Broken topology can be repaired by running \fIv.build\fR. .PP GRASS GIS uses a topological vector format, meaning that a common boundary of two polygons is only stored once. When digitizing polygons it is thus important to be able to only draw each boundary once. When drawing a polygon adjacent to an existing polygon, one has to first split the existing boundary at the points where the new boundary will be attached. Snapping should be set to ensure that the new boundaries are automatically attached to the chosen points. .SH REFERENCES .RS 4n .IP \(bu 4n GRASS Vedit Library .IP \(bu 4n Vector Database Management (Wiki page) .RE .SH SEE ALSO \fI wxGUI .br wxGUI components \fR .PP \fI v.edit, v.category, v.build, wxGUI.rdigit \fR .PP See also the WxGUI Vector Digitizer Wiki page including video tutorials. .SH AUTHOR Martin Landa, FBK\-irst (2007\-2008), Trento, Italy, and Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic .SH SOURCE CODE .PP Available at: wxGUI Vector Digitizer source code (history) .PP Main index | GUI index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical index | Full index .PP © 2003\-2020 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.5 Reference Manual