.TH FASTDDS 1 "" "" "eProsima FastDDS" .SH NAME fastdds \- FastDDS tool .SH SYNOPSIS .SY fastdds .B discovery .RI [ options ] .YS .SY fastdds .B shm clean .YS .SH DESCRIPTION .B fastdds discovery is an alias for the .BR fast-discovery-server , which has its own manual page. .PP .B fastdds shm is for shared memory management. Currently, only the .B clean action is implemented; it removes stale files which might remain after a program using FastDDS with SHM transport has crashed. .SH SEE ALSO .BR fast-discovery-server (1) .SH AUTHOR eProsima FastDDS is developed by Proyectos y Sistemas de Mantenimiento SL. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution by .MT timo@gaussglocke.de Timo R\[u00F6]hling .ME , and may be used without restriction.