.TH wxXmlResource 3erl "wx 1.9.2" "" "Erlang Module Definition" .SH NAME wxXmlResource \- See external documentation: wxXmlResource. .SH DESCRIPTION .LP See external documentation: wxXmlResource\&. .SH "DATA TYPES" .RS 2 .TP 2 .B wxXmlResource(): .RS 2 .LP An object reference, The representation is internal and can be changed without notice\&. It can\&'t be used for comparsion stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes\&. .RE .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .B new() -> wxXmlResource() .br .RS .LP Equivalent to new([])\&. .RE .LP .B new(Options::[Option]) -> wxXmlResource() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Option = {flags, integer()} | {domain, unicode:chardata()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B new(Filemask, Options::[Option]) -> wxXmlResource() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Filemask = unicode:chardata() .br Option = {flags, integer()} | {domain, unicode:chardata()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B attachUnknownControl(This, Name, Control) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br Control = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to attachUnknownControl(This, Name, Control, [])\&. .RE .LP .B attachUnknownControl(This, Name, Control, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br Control = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Option = {parent, wxWindow:wxWindow()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B clearHandlers(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B compareVersion(This, Major, Minor, Release, Revision) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Major = integer() .br Minor = integer() .br Release = integer() .br Revision = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B get() -> wxXmlResource() .br .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getFlags(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getVersion(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getXRCID(Str_id) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Str_id = [unicode:chardata()] .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to getXRCID(Str_id, [])\&. .RE .LP .B getXRCID(Str_id, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Str_id = [unicode:chardata()] .br Option = {value_if_not_found, integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B initAllHandlers(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B load(This, Filemask) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Filemask = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadBitmap(This, Name) -> wxBitmap:wxBitmap() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadDialog(This, Parent, Name) -> wxDialog:wxDialog() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadDialog(This, Dlg, Parent, Name) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Dlg = wxDialog:wxDialog() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadFrame(This, Parent, Name) -> wxFrame:wxFrame() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadFrame(This, Frame, Parent, Name) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Frame = wxFrame:wxFrame() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadIcon(This, Name) -> wxIcon:wxIcon() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadMenu(This, Name) -> wxMenu:wxMenu() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadMenuBar(This, Name) -> wxMenuBar:wxMenuBar() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadMenuBar(This, Parent, Name) -> wxMenuBar:wxMenuBar() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadPanel(This, Parent, Name) -> wxPanel:wxPanel() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadPanel(This, Panel, Parent, Name) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Panel = wxPanel:wxPanel() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B loadToolBar(This, Parent, Name) -> wxToolBar:wxToolBar() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B set(Res) -> wxXmlResource() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Res = wxXmlResource() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setFlags(This, Flags) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Flags = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B unload(This, Filename) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxXmlResource() .br Filename = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B xrcctrl(Window, Name, Type) -> wx:wx_object() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Window = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Name = string() .br Type = atom() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Looks up a control with Name in a window created with XML resources\&. You can use it to set/get values from controls\&. The object is type casted to \fIType\fR\&\&. Example: .br Xrc = wxXmlResource:get(), .br Dlg = wxDialog:new(), .br true = wxXmlResource:loadDialog(Xrc, Dlg, Frame, "controls_dialog"), .br LCtrl = xrcctrl(Dlg, "controls_listctrl", wxListCtrl), .br wxListCtrl:insertColumn(LCtrl, 0, "Name", [{width, 200}]), .br .RE .LP .B destroy(This::wxXmlResource()) -> ok .br .RS .LP Destroys this object, do not use object again .RE .SH AUTHORS .LP .I <>