.TH wxTreeCtrl 3erl "wx 1.9.2" "" "Erlang Module Definition" .SH NAME wxTreeCtrl \- See external documentation: wxTreeCtrl. .SH DESCRIPTION .LP See external documentation: wxTreeCtrl\&. .LP Note: The representation of treeItemId() have changed from the original class implementation to be an semi-opaque type,Equality between TreeItemId\&'s can be tested and zero means that the TreeItem is invalid\&. .SH "DATA TYPES" .RS 2 .TP 2 .B wxTreeCtrl(): .RS 2 .LP An object reference, The representation is internal and can be changed without notice\&. It can\&'t be used for comparsion stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes\&. .RE .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .B new() -> wxTreeCtrl() .br .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B new(Parent) -> wxTreeCtrl() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to new(Parent, [])\&. .RE .LP .B new(Parent, Options::[Option]) -> wxTreeCtrl() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Option = {id, integer()} | {pos, {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {size, {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {style, integer()} | {validator, wx:wx_object()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B addRoot(This, Text) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to addRoot(This, Text, [])\&. .RE .LP .B addRoot(This, Text, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br Option = {image, integer()} | {selectedImage, integer()} | {data, term()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B appendItem(This, Parent, Text) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = integer() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to appendItem(This, Parent, Text, [])\&. .RE .LP .B appendItem(This, Parent, Text, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = integer() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br Option = {image, integer()} | {selectedImage, integer()} | {data, term()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B assignImageList(This, ImageList) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br ImageList = wxImageList:wxImageList() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B assignStateImageList(This, ImageList) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br ImageList = wxImageList:wxImageList() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B collapse(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B collapseAndReset(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B create(This, Parent) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to create(This, Parent, [])\&. .RE .LP .B create(This, Parent, Options::[Option]) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = wxWindow:wxWindow() .br Option = {id, integer()} | {pos, {X::integer(), Y::integer()}} | {size, {W::integer(), H::integer()}} | {style, integer()} | {validator, wx:wx_object()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B delete(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deleteAllItems(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B deleteChildren(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B editLabel(This, Item) -> wxTextCtrl:wxTextCtrl() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B ensureVisible(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B expand(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getBoundingRect(This, Item) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::boolean(), Rect::{X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()}} .br This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to getBoundingRect(This, Item, [])\&. .RE .LP .B getBoundingRect(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::boolean(), Rect::{X::integer(), Y::integer(), W::integer(), H::integer()}} .br This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Option = {textOnly, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getChildrenCount(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to getChildrenCount(This, Item, [])\&. .RE .LP .B getChildrenCount(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Option = {recursively, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getCount(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getEditControl(This) -> wxTextCtrl:wxTextCtrl() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getFirstChild(This, Item) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::integer(), Cookie::integer()} .br This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getNextChild(This, Item, Cookie) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::integer(), Cookie::integer()} .br This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Cookie = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getFirstVisibleItem(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getImageList(This) -> wxImageList:wxImageList() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getIndent(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemBackgroundColour(This, Item) -> wx:wx_colour4() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemData(This, Item) -> term() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemFont(This, Item) -> wxFont:wxFont() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemImage(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemImage(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Option = {which, wx:wx_enum()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Which = ?wxTreeItemIcon_Normal | ?wxTreeItemIcon_Selected | ?wxTreeItemIcon_Expanded | ?wxTreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded | ?wxTreeItemIcon_Max .RE .LP .B getItemText(This, Item) -> unicode:charlist() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemTextColour(This, Item) -> wx:wx_colour4() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getLastChild(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getNextSibling(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getNextVisible(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getItemParent(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getPrevSibling(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getPrevVisible(This, Item) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getRootItem(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelection(This) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getSelections(This) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::integer(), Val::[integer()]} .br This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B getStateImageList(This) -> wxImageList:wxImageList() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B hitTest(This, Point) -> Result .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Result = {Res::integer(), Flags::integer()} .br This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Point = {X::integer(), Y::integer()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B insertItem(This, Parent, Pos, Text) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = integer() .br Pos = integer() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to insertItem(This, Parent, Pos, Text, [])\&. .RE .LP .B insertItem(This, Parent, Pos, Text, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = integer() .br Pos = integer() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br Option = {image, integer()} | {selImage, integer()} | {data, term()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isBold(This, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isExpanded(This, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isSelected(This, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isVisible(This, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B itemHasChildren(This, Item) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B isTreeItemIdOk(Id) -> boolean() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 Id = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B prependItem(This, Parent, Text) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = integer() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to prependItem(This, Parent, Text, [])\&. .RE .LP .B prependItem(This, Parent, Text, Options::[Option]) -> integer() .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Parent = integer() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br Option = {image, integer()} | {selectedImage, integer()} | {data, term()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B scrollTo(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B selectItem(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B selectItem(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Option = {select, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setIndent(This, Indent) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Indent = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setImageList(This, ImageList) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br ImageList = wxImageList:wxImageList() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemBackgroundColour(This, Item, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Col = wx:wx_colour() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemBold(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to setItemBold(This, Item, [])\&. .RE .LP .B setItemBold(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Option = {bold, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemData(This, Item, Data) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Data = term() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemDropHighlight(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to setItemDropHighlight(This, Item, [])\&. .RE .LP .B setItemDropHighlight(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Option = {highlight, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemFont(This, Item, Font) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Font = wxFont:wxFont() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemHasChildren(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to setItemHasChildren(This, Item, [])\&. .RE .LP .B setItemHasChildren(This, Item, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Option = {has, boolean()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemImage(This, Item, Image) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Image = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemImage(This, Item, Image, Options::[Option]) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Image = integer() .br Option = {which, wx:wx_enum()} .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .br Which = ?wxTreeItemIcon_Normal | ?wxTreeItemIcon_Selected | ?wxTreeItemIcon_Expanded | ?wxTreeItemIcon_SelectedExpanded | ?wxTreeItemIcon_Max .RE .LP .B setItemText(This, Item, Text) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Text = unicode:chardata() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setItemTextColour(This, Item, Col) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br Col = wx:wx_colour() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setStateImageList(This, ImageList) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br ImageList = wxImageList:wxImageList() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B setWindowStyle(This, Styles) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Styles = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B sortChildren(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B toggle(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B toggleItemSelection(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B unselect(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B unselectAll(This) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B unselectItem(This, Item) -> ok .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 This = wxTreeCtrl() .br Item = integer() .br .RE .RE .RS .LP See external documentation\&. .RE .LP .B destroy(This::wxTreeCtrl()) -> ok .br .RS .LP Destroys this object, do not use object again .RE .SH AUTHORS .LP .I <>