.TH ei_connect 3erl "erl_interface 4.0.2" "Ericsson AB" "C Library Functions" .SH NAME ei_connect \- Communicate with distributed Erlang. .SH DESCRIPTION .LP This module enables C-programs to communicate with Erlang nodes, using the Erlang distribution over TCP/IP\&. .LP A C-node appears to Erlang as a \fIhidden node\fR\&\&. That is, Erlang processes that know the name of the C-node can communicate with it in a normal manner, but the node name is not shown in the listing provided by \fIerlang:nodes/0\fR\& in \fIERTS\fR\&\&. .LP The environment variable \fIERL_EPMD_PORT\fR\& can be used to indicate which logical cluster a C-node belongs to\&. .SH "TIME-OUT FUNCTIONS" .LP Most functions appear in a version with the suffix \fI_tmo\fR\& appended to the function name\&. Those functions take an extra argument, a time-out in \fImilliseconds\fR\&\&. The semantics is this: for each communication primitive involved in the operation, if the primitive does not complete within the time specified, the function returns an error and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set to \fIETIMEDOUT\fR\&\&. With communication primitive is meant an operation on the socket, like \fIconnect\fR\&, \fIaccept\fR\&, \fIrecv\fR\&, or \fIsend\fR\&\&. .LP Clearly the time-outs are for implementing fault tolerance, not to keep hard real-time promises\&. The \fI_tmo\fR\& functions are for detecting non-responsive peers and to avoid blocking on socket operations\&. .LP A time-out value of \fI0\fR\& (zero) means that time-outs are disabled\&. Calling a \fI_tmo\fR\& function with the last argument as \fI0\fR\& is therefore the same thing as calling the function without the \fI_tmo\fR\& suffix\&. .LP As with all other functions starting with \fIei_\fR\&, you are \fInot\fR\& expected to put the socket in non-blocking mode yourself in the program\&. Every use of non-blocking mode is embedded inside the time-out functions\&. The socket will always be back in blocking mode after the operations are completed (regardless of the result)\&. To avoid problems, leave the socket options alone\&. \fIei\fR\& handles any socket options that need modification\&. .LP In all other senses, the \fI_tmo\fR\& functions inherit all the return values and the semantics from the functions without the \fI_tmo\fR\& suffix\&. .SH "USER SUPPLIED SOCKET IMPLEMENTATION" .LP By default \fIei\fR\& supplies a TCP/IPv4 socket interface that is used when communicating\&. The user can however plug in his/her own IPv4 socket implementation\&. This, for example, in order to communicate over TLS\&. A user supplied socket implementation is plugged in by passing a callback structure to either \fIei_connect_init_ussi()\fR\& or \fIei_connect_xinit_ussi()\fR\&\&. .LP All callbacks in the \fIei_socket_callbacks\fR\& structure \fIshould\fR\& return zero on success; and a posix error code on failure\&. .LP The \fIaddr\fR\& argument of the \fIlisten\fR\&, \fIaccept\fR\&, and \fIconnect\fR\& callbacks refer to appropriate address structure for currently used protocol\&. Currently \fIei\fR\& only supports IPv4\&. That is, at this time \fIaddr\fR\& always points to a \fIstruct sockaddr_in\fR\& structure\&. .LP The \fIei_socket_callbacks\fR\& structure may be enlarged in the future\&. All fields not set, \fIneeds\fR\& to be zeroed out\&. Currently the following fields exist: .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIflags\fR\&: Flags informing \fIei\fR\& about the behaviour of the callbacks\&. Flags should be bitwise or:ed together\&. If no flag, is set, the \fIflags\fR\& field should contain \fI0\fR\&\&. Currently, supported flags: .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIEI_SCLBK_FLG_FULL_IMPL\fR\&: If set, the \fIaccept()\fR\&, \fIconnect()\fR\&, \fIwritev()\fR\&, \fIwrite()\fR\&, and \fIread()\fR\& callbacks implements timeouts\&. The timeout is passed in the \fItmo\fR\& argument and is given in milli seconds\&. Note that the \fItmo\fR\& argument to these callbacks differ from the timeout arguments in the \fIei\fR\& API\&. Zero means a zero timeout\&. That is, poll and timeout immediately unless the operation is successful\&. \fIEI_SCLBK_INF_TMO\fR\& (max \fIunsigned\fR\&) means infinite timeout\&. The file descriptor is in blocking mode when a callback is called, and it must be in blocking mode when the callback returns\&. .RS 2 .LP If not set, \fIei\fR\& will implement the timeout using \fIselect()\fR\& in order to determine when to call the callbacks and when to time out\&. The \fItmo\fR\& arguments of the \fIaccept()\fR\&, \fIconnect()\fR\&, \fIwritev()\fR\&, \fIwrite()\fR\&, and \fIread()\fR\& callbacks should be ignored\&. The callbacks may be called in non-blocking mode\&. The callbacks are not allowed to change between blocking and non-blocking mode\&. In order for this to work, \fIselect()\fR\& needs to interact with the socket primitives used the same way as it interacts with the ordinary socket primitives\&. If this is not the case, the callbacks \fIneed\fR\& to implement timeouts and this flag should be set\&. .RE .RE .RS 2 .LP More flags may be introduced in the future\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*socket)(void **ctx, void *setup_ctx)\fR\&: Create a socket and a context for the socket\&. .RS 2 .LP On success it should set \fI*ctx\fR\& to point to a context for the created socket\&. This context will be passed to all other socket callbacks\&. This function will be passed the same \fIsetup_context\fR\& as passed to the preceeding \fIei_connect_init_ussi()\fR\& or \fIei_connect_xinit_ussi()\fR\& call\&. .RE .LP .RS -4 .B Note: .RE During the lifetime of a socket, the pointer \fI*ctx\fR\& \fIhas\fR\& to remain the same\&. That is, it cannot later be relocated\&. .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*close)(void *ctx)\fR\&: Close the socket identified by \fIctx\fR\& and destroy the context\&. .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*listen)(void *ctx, void *addr, int *len, int backlog)\fR\&: Bind the socket identified by \fIctx\fR\& to a local interface and then listen on it\&. .RS 2 .LP The \fIaddr\fR\& and \fIlen\fR\& arguments are both input and output arguments\&. When called \fIaddr\fR\& points to an address structure of lenght \fI*len\fR\& containing information on how to bind the socket\&. Uppon return this callback should have updated the structure referred by \fIaddr\fR\& with information on how the socket actually was bound\&. \fI*len\fR\& should be updated to reflect the size of \fI*addr\fR\& updated\&. \fIbacklog\fR\& identifies the size of the backlog for the listen socket\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*accept)(void **ctx, void *addr, int *len, unsigned tmo)\fR\&: Accept connections on the listen socket identified by \fI*ctx\fR\&\&. .RS 2 .LP When a connection is accepted, a new context for the accepted connection should be created and \fI*ctx\fR\& should be updated to point to the new context for the accepted connection\&. When called \fIaddr\fR\& points to an uninitialized address structure of lenght \fI*len\fR\&\&. Uppon return this callback should have updated this structure with information about the client address\&. \fI*len\fR\& should be updated to reflect the size of \fI*addr\fR\& updated\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP If the \fIEI_SCLBK_FLG_FULL_IMPL\fR\& flag has been set, \fItmo\fR\& contains timeout time in milliseconds\&. .RE .LP .RS -4 .B Note: .RE During the lifetime of a socket, the pointer \fI*ctx\fR\& \fIhas\fR\& to remain the same\&. That is, it cannot later be relocated\&. .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*connect)(void *ctx, void *addr, int len, unsigned tmo)\fR\&: Connect the socket identified by \fIctx\fR\& to the address identified by \fIaddr\fR\&\&. .RS 2 .LP When called \fIaddr\fR\& points to an address structure of lenght \fIlen\fR\& containing information on where to connect\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP If the \fIEI_SCLBK_FLG_FULL_IMPL\fR\& flag has been set, \fItmo\fR\& contains timeout time in milliseconds\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*writev)(void *ctx, const void *iov, long iovcnt, ssize_t *len, unsigned tmo)\fR\&: Write data on the connected socket identified by \fIctx\fR\&\&. .RS 2 .LP \fIiov\fR\& points to an array of \fIstruct iovec\fR\& structures of length \fIiovcnt\fR\& containing data to write to the socket\&. On success, this callback should set \fI*len\fR\& to the amount of bytes successfully written on the socket\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP If the \fIEI_SCLBK_FLG_FULL_IMPL\fR\& flag has been set, \fItmo\fR\& contains timeout time in milliseconds\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP This callback is optional\&. Set the \fIwritev\fR\& field in the the \fIei_socket_callbacks\fR\& structure to \fINULL\fR\& if not implemented\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*write)(void *ctx, const char *buf, ssize_t *len, unsigned tmo)\fR\&: Write data on the connected socket identified by \fIctx\fR\&\&. .RS 2 .LP When called \fIbuf\fR\& points to a buffer of length \fI*len\fR\& containing the data to write on the socket\&. On success, this callback should set \fI*len\fR\& to the amount of bytes successfully written on the socket\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP If the \fIEI_SCLBK_FLG_FULL_IMPL\fR\& flag has been set, \fItmo\fR\& contains timeout time in milliseconds\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*read)(void *ctx, char *buf, ssize_t *len, unsigned tmo)\fR\&: Read data on the connected socket identified by \fIctx\fR\&\&. .RS 2 .LP \fIbuf\fR\& points to a buffer of length \fI*len\fR\& where the read data should be placed\&. On success, this callback should update \fI*len\fR\& to the amount of bytes successfully read on the socket\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP If the \fIEI_SCLBK_FLG_FULL_IMPL\fR\& flag has been set, \fItmo\fR\& contains timeout time in milliseconds\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*handshake_packet_header_size)(void *ctx, int *sz)\fR\&: Inform about handshake packet header size to use during the Erlang distribution handshake\&. .RS 2 .LP On success, \fI*sz\fR\& should be set to the handshake packet header size to use\&. Valid values are \fI2\fR\& and \fI4\fR\&\&. Erlang TCP distribution use a handshake packet size of \fI2\fR\& and Erlang TLS distribution use a handshake packet size of \fI4\fR\&\&. .RE .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*connect_handshake_complete)(void *ctx)\fR\&: Called when a locally started handshake has completed successfully\&. .RS 2 .LP This callback is optional\&. Set the \fIconnect_handshake_complete\fR\& field in the \fIei_socket_callbacks\fR\& structure to \fINULL\fR\& if not implemented\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*accept_handshake_complete)(void *ctx)\fR\&: Called when a remotely started handshake has completed successfully\&. .RS 2 .LP This callback is optional\&. Set the \fIaccept_handshake_complete\fR\& field in the \fIei_socket_callbacks\fR\& structure to \fINULL\fR\& if not implemented\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIint (*get_fd)(void *ctx, int *fd)\fR\&: Inform about file descriptor used by the socket which is identified by \fIctx\fR\&\&. .LP .RS -4 .B Note: .RE During the lifetime of a socket, the file descriptor \fIhas\fR\& to remain the same\&. That is, repeated calls to this callback with the same context \fIshould\fR\& always report the same file descriptor\&. .LP The file descriptor \fIhas\fR\& to be a real file descriptor\&. That is, no other operation should be able to get the same file descriptor until it has been released by the \fIclose()\fR\& callback\&. .RS 2 .LP This callback is mandatory\&. .RE .RE .SH "DATA TYPES" .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIei_cnode\fR\&: Opaque data type representing a C-node\&. A \fIei_cnode\fR\& structure is initialized by calling \fIei_connect_init()\fR\& or friends\&. .TP 2 .B \fIei_socket_callbacks\fR\&: .LP .nf typedef struct { int flags; int (*socket)(void **ctx, void *setup_ctx); int (*close)(void *ctx); int (*listen)(void *ctx, void *addr, int *len, int backlog); int (*accept)(void **ctx, void *addr, int *len, unsigned tmo); int (*connect)(void *ctx, void *addr, int len, unsigned tmo); int (*writev)(void *ctx, const void *iov, int iovcnt, ssize_t *len, unsigned tmo); int (*write)(void *ctx, const char *buf, ssize_t *len, unsigned tmo); int (*read)(void *ctx, char *buf, ssize_t *len, unsigned tmo); int (*handshake_packet_header_size)(void *ctx, int *sz); int (*connect_handshake_complete)(void *ctx); int (*accept_handshake_complete)(void *ctx); int (*get_fd)(void *ctx, int *fd); } ei_socket_callbacks; .fi .RS 2 .LP Callbacks functions for a \fIUser Supplied Socket Implementation\fR\& \&. Documentation of each field can be found in the \fIUser Supplied Socket Implementation\fR\& section above\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIErlConnect\fR\&: .LP .nf typedef struct { char ipadr[4]; /* Ip v4 address in network byte order */ char nodename[MAXNODELEN]; } ErlConnect; .fi .RS 2 .LP IP v4 address and nodename\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIErl_IpAddr\fR\&: .LP .nf typedef struct { unsigned s_addr; /* Ip v4 address in network byte order */ } Erl_IpAddr; .fi .RS 2 .LP IP v4 address\&. .RE .TP 2 .B \fIerlang_msg\fR\&: .LP .nf typedef struct { long msgtype; erlang_pid from; erlang_pid to; char toname[MAXATOMLEN+1]; char cookie[MAXATOMLEN+1]; erlang_trace token; } erlang_msg; .fi .RS 2 .LP Information about a message received via \fIei_receive_msg()\fR\& or friends\&. .RE .RE .SH EXPORTS .LP .B struct hostent *ei_gethostbyaddr(const char *addr, int len, int type) .br .B struct hostent *ei_gethostbyaddr_r(const char *addr, int length, int type, struct hostent *hostp, char *buffer, int buflen, int *h_errnop) .br .B struct hostent *ei_gethostbyname(const char *name) .br .B struct hostent *ei_gethostbyname_r(const char *name, struct hostent *hostp, char *buffer, int buflen, int *h_errnop) .br .RS .LP Convenience functions for some common name lookup functions\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_accept(ei_cnode *ec, int listensock, ErlConnect *conp) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIErlConnect\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Used by a server process to accept a connection from a client process\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIec\fR\& is the C-node structure\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIlistensock\fR\& is an open socket descriptor on which \fIlisten()\fR\& has previously been called\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIconp\fR\& is a pointer to an \fIErlConnect\fR\& struct\&. .LP .RE .LP On success, \fIconp\fR\& is filled in with the address and node name of the connecting client and a file descriptor is returned\&. On failure, \fIERL_ERROR\fR\& is returned and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set to \fIEIO\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_accept_tmo(ei_cnode *ec, int listensock, ErlConnect *conp, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIErlConnect\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_accept\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_close_connection(int fd) .br .RS .LP Closes a previously opened connection or listen socket\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_connect(ei_cnode* ec, char *nodename) .br .B int ei_xconnect(ei_cnode* ec, Erl_IpAddr adr, char *alivename) .br .B int ei_connect_host_port(ei_cnode* ec, char *hostname, int port) .br .B int ei_xconnect_host_port(ei_cnode* ec, Erl_IpAddr adr, int port) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIErl_IpAddr\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Sets up a connection to an Erlang node\&. .LP \fIei_xconnect()\fR\& requires the IP address of the remote host and the alive name of the remote node to be specified\&. \fIei_connect()\fR\& provides an alternative interface and determines the information from the node name provided\&. The \fIei_xconnect_host_port()\fR\& function provides yet another alternative that will work even if there is no EPMD instance on the host where the remote node is running\&. The \fIei_xconnect_host_port()\fR\& function requires the IP address and port of the remote node to be specified\&. The \fIei_connect_host_port()\fR\& function is an alternative to \fIei_xconnect_host_port()\fR\& that lets the user specify a hostname instead of an IP address\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIadr\fR\& is the 32-bit IP address of the remote host\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIalive\fR\& is the alivename of the remote node\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fInode\fR\& is the name of the remote node\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIport\fR\& is the port number of the remote node\&. .LP .RE .LP These functions return an open file descriptor on success, or a negative value indicating that an error occurred\&. In the latter case they set \fIerl_errno\fR\& to one of the following: .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIEHOSTUNREACH\fR\&: The remote host \fInode\fR\& is unreachable\&. .TP 2 .B \fIENOMEM\fR\&: No more memory is available\&. .TP 2 .B \fIEIO\fR\&: I/O error\&. .RE .LP Also, \fIerrno\fR\& values from \fIsocket\fR\&\fI(2)\fR\& and \fIconnect\fR\&\fI(2)\fR\& system calls may be propagated into \fIerl_errno\fR\&\&. .LP \fIExample:\fR\& .LP .nf #define NODE "madonna@chivas.du.etx.ericsson.se" #define ALIVE "madonna" #define IP_ADDR "" /*** Variant 1 ***/ int fd = ei_connect(&ec, NODE); /*** Variant 2 ***/ struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IP_ADDR); fd = ei_xconnect(&ec, &addr, ALIVE); .fi .RE .LP .B int ei_connect_init(ei_cnode* ec, const char* this_node_name, const char *cookie, short creation) .br .B int ei_connect_init_ussi(ei_cnode* ec, const char* this_node_name, const char *cookie, short creation, ei_socket_callbacks *cbs, int cbs_sz, void *setup_context) .br .B int ei_connect_xinit(ei_cnode* ec, const char *thishostname, const char *thisalivename, const char *thisnodename, Erl_IpAddr thisipaddr, const char *cookie, short creation) .br .B int ei_connect_xinit_ussi(ei_cnode* ec, const char *thishostname, const char *thisalivename, const char *thisnodename, Erl_IpAddr thisipaddr, const char *cookie, short creation, ei_socket_callbacks *cbs, int cbs_sz, void *setup_context) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIErl_IpAddr\fR\& .br \fIei_socket_callbacks\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Initializes the \fIec\fR\& structure, to identify the node name and cookie of the server\&. One of them must be called before other functions that works on the \fIei_cnode\fR\& type or a file descriptor associated with a connection to another node is used\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIec\fR\& is a structure containing information about the C-node\&. It is used in other \fIei\fR\& functions for connecting and receiving data\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIthis_node_name\fR\& is the name of the C-node (the name before \&'@\&' in the full node name)\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIcookie\fR\& is the cookie for the node\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIcreation\fR\& identifies a specific instance of a C-node\&. It can help prevent the node from receiving messages sent to an earlier process with the same registered name\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIthishostname\fR\& is the name of the machine we are running on\&. If long names are to be used, they are to be fully qualified (that is, \fIdurin\&.erix\&.ericsson\&.se\fR\& instead of \fIdurin\fR\&)\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIthisalivename\fR\& is the name of the local C-node (the name before \&'@\&' in the full node name)\&. Can be \fINULL\fR\& (from OTP 23) to get a dynamically assigned name from the peer node\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIthisnodename\fR\& is the full name of the local C-node, that is, \fImynode@myhost\fR\&\&. Can be \fINULL\fR\& if \fIthisalivename\fR\& is \fINULL\fR\&\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIthispaddr\fR\& if the IP address of the host\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIcbs\fR\& is a pointer to a callback structure implementing and alternative socket interface\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIcbs_sz\fR\& is the size of the structure pointed to by \fIcbs\fR\&\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIsetup_context\fR\& is a pointer to a structure that will be passed as second argument to the \fIsocket\fR\& callback in the \fIcbs\fR\& structure\&. .LP .RE .LP A C-node acting as a server is assigned a creation number when it calls \fIei_publish()\fR\&\&. .LP A connection is closed by simply closing the socket\&. For information about how to close the socket gracefully (when there are outgoing packets before close), see the relevant system documentation\&. .LP These functions return a negative value indicating that an error occurred\&. .LP \fIExample 1:\fR\& .LP .nf int n = 0; struct in_addr addr; ei_cnode ec; addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); if (ei_connect_xinit(&ec, "chivas", "madonna", "madonna@chivas.du.etx.ericsson.se", &addr; "cookie...", n++) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR when initializing: %d",erl_errno); exit(-1); } .fi .LP \fIExample 2:\fR\& .LP .nf if (ei_connect_init(&ec, "madonna", "cookie...", n++) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR when initializing: %d",erl_errno); exit(-1); } .fi .RE .LP .B int ei_connect_tmo(ei_cnode* ec, char *nodename, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .B int ei_xconnect_tmo(ei_cnode* ec, Erl_IpAddr adr, char *alivename, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .B int ei_connect_host_port_tmo(ei_cnode* ec, char *hostname, int port, unsigned ms) .br .B int ei_xconnect_host_port_tmo(ei_cnode* ec, Erl_IpAddr adr, int port, unsigned ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIErl_IpAddr\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_connect\fR\&, \fIei_xconnect\fR\&, \fIei_connect_host_port\fR\& and \fIei_xconnect_host_port\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_get_tracelevel(void) .br .B void ei_set_tracelevel(int level) .br .RS .LP Used to set tracing on the distribution\&. The levels are different verbosity levels\&. A higher level means more information\&. See also section Debug Information\&. .LP These functions are not thread safe\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_listen(ei_cnode *ec, int *port, int backlog) .br .B int ei_xlisten(ei_cnode *ec, Erl_IpAddr adr, int *port, int backlog) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIErl_IpAddr\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Used by a server process to setup a listen socket which later can be used for accepting connections from client processes\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIec\fR\& is the C-node structure\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIadr\fR\& is local interface to bind to\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIport\fR\& is a pointer to an integer containing the port number to bind to\&. If \fI*port\fR\& equals \fI0\fR\& when calling \fIei_listen()\fR\&, the socket will be bound to an ephemeral port\&. On success, \fIei_listen()\fR\& will update the value of \fI*port\fR\& to the port actually bound to\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIbacklog\fR\& is maximum backlog of pending connections\&. .LP .RE .LP \fIei_listen\fR\& will create a socket, bind to a port on the local interface identified by \fIadr\fR\& (or all local interfaces if \fIei_listen()\fR\& is called), and mark the socket as a passive socket (that is, a socket that will be used for accepting incoming connections)\&. .LP On success, a file descriptor is returned which can be used in a call to \fIei_accept()\fR\&\&. On failure, \fIERL_ERROR\fR\& is returned and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set to \fIEIO\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_make_pid(ei_cnode *ec, erlang_pid *pid) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Creates a new process identifier in the argument \fIpid\fR\&\&. This process identifier refers to a conseptual process residing on the C-node identified by the argument \fIec\fR\&\&. On success \fI0\fR\& is returned\&. On failure \fIERL_ERROR\fR\& is returned and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set\&. .LP The C-node identified by \fIec\fR\& must have been initialized and must have received a name prior to the call to \fIei_make_pid()\fR\&\&. Initialization of the C-node is done by a call to \fIei_connect_init()\fR\& or friends\&. If the name is dynamically assigned from the peer node, the C-node also has to be connected\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_make_ref(ei_cnode *ec, erlang_ref *ref) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIerlang_ref\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Creates a new reference in the argument \fIref\fR\&\&. This reference originates from the C-node identified by the argument \fIec\fR\&\&. On success \fI0\fR\& is returned\&. On failure \fIERL_ERROR\fR\& is returned and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set\&. .LP The C-node identified by \fIec\fR\& must have been initialized and must have received a name prior to the call to \fIei_make_ref()\fR\&\&. Initialization of the C-node is done by a call to \fIei_connect_init()\fR\& or friends\&. If the name is dynamically assigned from the peer node, the C-node also has to be connected\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_publish(ei_cnode *ec, int port) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Used by a server process to register with the local name server EPMD, thereby allowing other processes to send messages by using the registered name\&. Before calling either of these functions, the process should have called \fIbind()\fR\& and \fIlisten()\fR\& on an open socket\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIec\fR\& is the C-node structure\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIport\fR\& is the local name to register, and is to be the same as the port number that was previously bound to the socket\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIaddr\fR\& is the 32-bit IP address of the local host\&. .LP .RE .LP To unregister with EPMD, simply close the returned descriptor\&. Do not use \fIei_unpublish()\fR\&, which is deprecated anyway\&. .LP On success, the function returns a descriptor connecting the calling process to EPMD\&. On failure, \fI-1\fR\& is returned and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set to \fIEIO\fR\&\&. .LP Also, \fIerrno\fR\& values from \fIsocket\fR\&\fI(2)\fR\& and \fIconnect\fR\&\fI(2)\fR\& system calls may be propagated into \fIerl_errno\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_publish_tmo(ei_cnode *ec, int port, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_publish\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_receive(int fd, unsigned char* bufp, int bufsize) .br .RS .LP Receives a message consisting of a sequence of bytes in the Erlang external format\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIfd\fR\& is an open descriptor to an Erlang connection\&. It is obtained from a previous \fIei_connect\fR\& or \fIei_accept\fR\&\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIbufp\fR\& is a buffer large enough to hold the expected message\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIbufsize\fR\& indicates the size of \fIbufp\fR\&\&. .LP .RE .LP If a \fItick\fR\& occurs, that is, the Erlang node on the other end of the connection has polled this node to see if it is still alive, the function returns \fIERL_TICK\fR\& and no message is placed in the buffer\&. Also, \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set to \fIEAGAIN\fR\&\&. .LP On success, the message is placed in the specified buffer and the function returns the number of bytes actually read\&. On failure, the function returns \fIERL_ERROR\fR\& and sets \fIerl_errno\fR\& to one of the following: .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIEAGAIN\fR\&: Temporary error: Try again\&. .TP 2 .B \fIEMSGSIZE\fR\&: Buffer is too small\&. .TP 2 .B \fIEIO\fR\&: I/O error\&. .RE .RE .LP .B int ei_receive_encoded(int fd, char **mbufp, int *bufsz, erlang_msg *msg, int *msglen) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_msg\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP This function is retained for compatibility with code generated by the interface compiler and with code following examples in the same application\&. .LP In essence, the function performs the same operation as \fIei_xreceive_msg\fR\&, but instead of using an \fIei_x_buff\fR\&, the function expects a pointer to a character pointer (\fImbufp\fR\&), where the character pointer is to point to a memory area allocated by \fImalloc\fR\&\&. Argument \fIbufsz\fR\& is to be a pointer to an integer containing the exact size (in bytes) of the memory area\&. The function may reallocate the memory area and will in such cases put the new size in \fI*bufsz\fR\& and update \fI*mbufp\fR\&\&. .LP Returns either \fIERL_TICK\fR\& or the \fImsgtype\fR\& field of the \fIerlang_msg *msg\fR\&\&. The length of the message is put in \fI*msglen\fR\&\&. On error a value \fI< 0\fR\& is returned\&. .LP It is recommended to use \fIei_xreceive_msg\fR\& instead when possible, for the sake of readability\&. However, the function will be retained in the interface for compatibility and will \fInot\fR\& be removed in future releases without prior notice\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_receive_encoded_tmo(int fd, char **mbufp, int *bufsz, erlang_msg *msg, int *msglen, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_msg\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_receive_encoded\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_receive_msg(int fd, erlang_msg* msg, ei_x_buff* x) .br .B int ei_xreceive_msg(int fd, erlang_msg* msg, ei_x_buff* x) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_x_buff\fR\& .br \fIerlang_msg\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Receives a message to the buffer in \fIx\fR\&\&. \fIei_xreceive_msg\fR\& allows the buffer in \fIx\fR\& to grow, but \fIei_receive_msg\fR\& fails if the message is larger than the pre-allocated buffer in \fIx\fR\&\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIfd\fR\& is an open descriptor to an Erlang connection\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fImsg\fR\& is a pointer to an \fIerlang_msg\fR\& structure and contains information on the message received\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIx\fR\& is buffer obtained from \fIei_x_new\fR\&\&. .LP .RE .LP On success, the functions return \fIERL_MSG\fR\& and the \fImsg\fR\& struct is initialized\&. .LP \fImsgtype\fR\& identifies the type of message, and is one of the following: .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIERL_SEND\fR\&: Indicates that an ordinary send operation has occurred\&. \fImsg->to\fR\& contains the pid of the recipient (the C-node)\&. .TP 2 .B \fIERL_REG_SEND\fR\&: A registered send operation occurred\&. \fImsg->from\fR\& contains the pid of the sender\&. .TP 2 .B \fIERL_LINK\fR\& or \fIERL_UNLINK\fR\&: \fImsg->to\fR\& and \fImsg->from\fR\& contain the pids of the sender and recipient of the link or unlink\&. .TP 2 .B \fIERL_EXIT\fR\&: Indicates a broken link\&. \fImsg->to\fR\& and \fImsg->from\fR\& contain the pids of the linked processes\&. .RE .LP The return value is the same as for \fIei_receive\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_receive_msg_tmo(int fd, erlang_msg* msg, ei_x_buff* x, unsigned imeout_ms) .br .B int ei_xreceive_msg_tmo(int fd, erlang_msg* msg, ei_x_buff* x, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_x_buff\fR\& .br \fIerlang_msg\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_receive_msg\fR\& and \fIei_xreceive_msg\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_receive_tmo(int fd, unsigned char* bufp, int bufsize, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_receive\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_reg_send(ei_cnode* ec, int fd, char* server_name, char* buf, int len) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Sends an Erlang term to a registered process\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIfd\fR\& is an open descriptor to an Erlang connection\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIserver_name\fR\& is the registered name of the intended recipient\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIbuf\fR\& is the buffer containing the term in binary format\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIlen\fR\& is the length of the message in bytes\&. .LP .RE .LP Returns \fI0\fR\& if successful, otherwise \fI-1\fR\&\&. In the latter case it sets \fIerl_errno\fR\& to \fIEIO\fR\&\&. .LP \fIExample:\fR\& .LP Send the atom "ok" to the process "worker": .LP .nf ei_x_buff x; ei_x_new_with_version(&x); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); if (ei_reg_send(&ec, fd, x.buff, x.index) < 0) handle_error(); .fi .RE .LP .B int ei_reg_send_tmo(ei_cnode* ec, int fd, char* server_name, char* buf, int len, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_reg_send\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_rpc(ei_cnode *ec, int fd, char *mod, char *fun, const char *argbuf, int argbuflen, ei_x_buff *x) .br .B int ei_rpc_to(ei_cnode *ec, int fd, char *mod, char *fun, const char *argbuf, int argbuflen) .br .B int ei_rpc_from(ei_cnode *ec, int fd, int timeout, erlang_msg *msg, ei_x_buff *x) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIei_x_buff\fR\& .br \fIerlang_msg\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Supports calling Erlang functions on remote nodes\&. \fIei_rpc_to()\fR\& sends an RPC request to a remote node and \fIei_rpc_from()\fR\& receives the results of such a call\&. \fIei_rpc()\fR\& combines the functionality of these two functions by sending an RPC request and waiting for the results\&. See also \fIrpc:call/4\fR\& in Kernel\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIec\fR\& is the C-node structure previously initiated by a call to \fIei_connect_init()\fR\& or \fIei_connect_xinit()\fR\&\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIfd\fR\& is an open descriptor to an Erlang connection\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fItimeout\fR\& is the maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for results\&. Specify \fIERL_NO_TIMEOUT\fR\& to wait forever\&. \fIei_rpc()\fR\& waits infinitely for the answer, that is, the call will never time out\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fImod\fR\& is the name of the module containing the function to be run on the remote node\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIfun\fR\& is the name of the function to run\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIargbuf\fR\& is a pointer to a buffer with an encoded Erlang list, without a version magic number, containing the arguments to be passed to the function\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIargbuflen\fR\& is the length of the buffer containing the encoded Erlang list\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fImsg\fR\& is structure of type \fIerlang_msg\fR\& and contains information on the message received\&. For a description of the \fIerlang_msg\fR\& format, see \fIei_receive_msg\fR\&\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIx\fR\& points to the dynamic buffer that receives the result\&. For \fIei_rpc()\fR\& this is the result without the version magic number\&. For \fIei_rpc_from()\fR\& the result returns a version magic number and a 2-tuple \fI{rex,Reply}\fR\&\&. .LP .RE .LP \fIei_rpc()\fR\& returns the number of bytes in the result on success and \fI-1\fR\& on failure\&. \fIei_rpc_from()\fR\& returns the number of bytes, otherwise one of \fIERL_TICK\fR\&, \fIERL_TIMEOUT\fR\&, and \fIERL_ERROR\fR\&\&. When failing, all three functions set \fIerl_errno\fR\& to one of the following: .RS 2 .TP 2 .B \fIEIO\fR\&: I/O error\&. .TP 2 .B \fIETIMEDOUT\fR\&: Time-out expired\&. .TP 2 .B \fIEAGAIN\fR\&: Temporary error: Try again\&. .RE .LP \fIExample:\fR\& .LP Check to see if an Erlang process is alive: .LP .nf int index = 0, is_alive; ei_x_buff args, result; ei_x_new(&result); ei_x_new(&args); ei_x_encode_list_header(&args, 1); ei_x_encode_pid(&args, &check_pid); ei_x_encode_empty_list(&args); if (ei_rpc(&ec, fd, "erlang", "is_process_alive", args.buff, args.index, &result) < 0) handle_error(); if (ei_decode_version(result.buff, &index) < 0 || ei_decode_bool(result.buff, &index, &is_alive) < 0) handle_error(); .fi .RE .LP .B erlang_pid *ei_self(ei_cnode *ec) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Retrieves a generic pid of the C-node\&. Every C-node has a (pseudo) pid used in \fIei_send_reg\fR\&, \fIei_rpc()\fR\&, and others\&. This is contained in a field in the \fIec\fR\& structure\&. Do \fInot\fR\& modify this structure\&. .LP On success a pointer to the process identifier is returned\&. On failure \fINULL\fR\& is returned and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set\&. .LP The C-node identified by \fIec\fR\& must have been initialized and must have received a name prior to the call to \fIei_self()\fR\&\&. Initialization of the C-node is done by a call to \fIei_connect_init()\fR\& or friends\&. If the name is dynamically assigned from the peer node, the C-node also has to be connected\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_send(int fd, erlang_pid* to, char* buf, int len) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Sends an Erlang term to a process\&. .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIfd\fR\& is an open descriptor to an Erlang connection\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIto\fR\& is the pid of the intended recipient of the message\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIbuf\fR\& is the buffer containing the term in binary format\&. .LP .TP 2 * \fIlen\fR\& is the length of the message in bytes\&. .LP .RE .LP Returns \fI0\fR\& if successful, otherwise \fI-1\fR\&\&. In the latter case it sets \fIerl_errno\fR\& to \fIEIO\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_send_encoded(int fd, erlang_pid* to, char* buf, int len) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Works exactly as \fIei_send\fR\&, the alternative name is retained for backward compatibility\&. The function will \fInot\fR\& be removed without prior notice\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_send_encoded_tmo(int fd, erlang_pid* to, char* buf, int len, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_send_encoded\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_send_reg_encoded(int fd, const erlang_pid *from, const char *to, const char *buf, int len) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP This function is retained for compatibility with code generated by the interface compiler and with code following examples in the same application\&. .LP The function works as \fIei_reg_send\fR\& with one exception\&. Instead of taking \fIei_cnode\fR\& as first argument, it takes a second argument, an \fIerlang_pid\fR\&, which is to be the process identifier of the sending process (in the Erlang distribution protocol)\&. .LP A suitable \fIerlang_pid\fR\& can be retrieved from the \fIei_cnode\fR\& structure by calling \fIei_self(cnode_pointer)\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_send_reg_encoded_tmo(int fd, const erlang_pid *from, const char *to, const char *buf, int len) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_send_reg_encoded\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_send_tmo(int fd, erlang_pid* to, char* buf, int len, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIerlang_pid\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_send\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .LP .B const char *ei_thisnodename(ei_cnode *ec) .br .B const char *ei_thishostname(ei_cnode *ec) .br .B const char *ei_thisalivename(ei_cnode *ec) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Can be used to retrieve information about the C-node\&. These values are initially set with \fIei_connect_init()\fR\& or \fIei_connect_xinit()\fR\&\&. .LP These function simply fetch the appropriate field from the \fIec\fR\& structure\&. Read the field directly will probably be safe for a long time, so these functions are not really needed\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_unpublish(ei_cnode *ec) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Can be called by a process to unregister a specified node from EPMD on the local host\&. This is, however, usually not allowed, unless EPMD was started with flag \fI-relaxed_command_check\fR\&, which it normally is not\&. .LP To unregister a node you have published, you should close the descriptor that was returned by \fIei_publish()\fR\&\&. .LP .RS -4 .B Warning: .RE This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release\&. .LP \fIec\fR\& is the node structure of the node to unregister\&. .LP If the node was successfully unregistered from EPMD, the function returns \fI0\fR\&\&. Otherwise, \fI-1\fR\& is returned and \fIerl_errno\fR\& is set to \fIEIO\fR\&\&. .RE .LP .B int ei_unpublish_tmo(ei_cnode *ec, unsigned timeout_ms) .br .RS .LP Types: .RS 3 \fIei_cnode\fR\& .br .RE .RE .RS .LP Equivalent to \fIei_unpublish\fR\& with an optional time-out argument, see the description at the beginning of this manual page\&. .RE .SH "DEBUG INFORMATION" .LP If a connection attempt fails, the following can be checked: .RS 2 .TP 2 * \fIerl_errno\fR\&\&. .LP .TP 2 * That the correct cookie was used .LP .TP 2 * That EPMD is running .LP .TP 2 * That the remote Erlang node on the other side is running the same version of Erlang as the \fIei\fR\& library .LP .TP 2 * That environment variable \fIERL_EPMD_PORT\fR\& is set correctly .LP .RE .LP The connection attempt can be traced by setting a trace level by either using \fIei_set_tracelevel\fR\& or by setting environment variable \fIEI_TRACELEVEL\fR\&\&. The trace levels have the following messages: .RS 2 .TP 2 * 1: Verbose error messages .LP .TP 2 * 2: Above messages and verbose warning messages .LP .TP 2 * 3: Above messages and progress reports for connection handling .LP .TP 2 * 4: Above messages and progress reports for communication .LP .TP 2 * 5: Above messages and progress reports for data conversion .LP .RE