.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "elvish-str" "7" "Jul 18, 2021" "Elvish 0.15.0" "Miscellaneous Information Manual" .hy .SH Introduction .PP The \f[C]str:\f[R] module provides string manipulation functions. .PP Function usages are given in the same format as in the reference doc for the builtin module. .SH Functions .SS str:compare .IP .nf \f[C] str:compare $a $b \f[R] .fi .PP Compares two strings and output an integer that will be 0 if a == b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:compare a a \[u25B6] 0 \[ti]> str:compare a b \[u25B6] -1 \[ti]> str:compare b a \[u25B6] 1 \f[R] .fi .SS str:contains .IP .nf \f[C] str:contains $str $substr \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs whether \f[C]$str\f[R] contains \f[C]$substr\f[R] as a substring. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:contains abcd x \[u25B6] $false \[ti]> str:contains abcd bc \[u25B6] $true \f[R] .fi .SS str:contains-any .IP .nf \f[C] str:contains-any $str $chars \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs whether \f[C]$str\f[R] contains any Unicode code points in \f[C]$chars\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:contains-any abcd x \[u25B6] $false \[ti]> str:contains-any abcd xby \[u25B6] $true \f[R] .fi .SS str:count .IP .nf \f[C] str:count $str $substr \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs the number of non-overlapping instances of \f[C]$substr\f[R] in \f[C]$s\f[R]. If \f[C]$substr\f[R] is an empty string, output 1 + the number of Unicode code points in \f[C]$s\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:count abcdefabcdef bc \[u25B6] 2 \[ti]> str:count abcdef \[aq]\[aq] \[u25B6] 7 \f[R] .fi .SS str:equal-fold .IP .nf \f[C] str:equal-fold $str1 $str2 \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs if \f[C]$str1\f[R] and \f[C]$str2\f[R], interpreted as UTF-8 strings, are equal under Unicode case-folding. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:equal-fold ABC abc \[u25B6] $true \[ti]> str:equal-fold abc ab \[u25B6] $false \f[R] .fi .SS str:from-codepoints .IP .nf \f[C] str:from-codepoints $number... \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs a string consisting of the given Unicode codepoints. Example: .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:from-codepoints 0x61 \[u25B6] a \[ti]> str:from-codepoints 0x4f60 0x597d \[u25B6] \[u4F60]\[u597D] \f[R] .fi .PP \[at]cf str:to-codepoints .SS str:from-utf8-bytes .IP .nf \f[C] str:from-utf8-bytes $number... \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs a string consisting of the given Unicode bytes. Example: .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:from-utf8-bytes 0x61 \[u25B6] a \[ti]> str:from-utf8-bytes 0xe4 0xbd 0xa0 0xe5 0xa5 0xbd \[u25B6] \[u4F60]\[u597D] \f[R] .fi .PP \[at]cf str:to-utf8-bytes .SS str:has-prefix .IP .nf \f[C] str:has-prefix $str $prefix \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs if \f[C]$str\f[R] begins with \f[C]$prefix\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:has-prefix abc ab \[u25B6] $true \[ti]> str:has-prefix abc bc \[u25B6] $false \f[R] .fi .SS str:has-suffix .IP .nf \f[C] str:has-suffix $str $suffix \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs if \f[C]$str\f[R] ends with \f[C]$suffix\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:has-suffix abc ab \[u25B6] $false \[ti]> str:has-suffix abc bc \[u25B6] $true \f[R] .fi .SS str:index .IP .nf \f[C] str:index $str $substr \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs the index of the first instance of \f[C]$substr\f[R] in \f[C]$str\f[R], or -1 if \f[C]$substr\f[R] is not present in \f[C]$str\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:index abcd cd \[u25B6] 2 \[ti]> str:index abcd xyz \[u25B6] -1 \f[R] .fi .SS str:index-any .IP .nf \f[C] str:index-any $str $chars \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs the index of the first instance of any Unicode code point from \f[C]$chars\f[R] in \f[C]$str\f[R], or -1 if no Unicode code point from \f[C]$chars\f[R] is present in \f[C]$str\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:index-any \[dq]chicken\[dq] \[dq]aeiouy\[dq] \[u25B6] 2 \[ti]> str:index-any l33t aeiouy \[u25B6] -1 \f[R] .fi .SS str:join .IP .nf \f[C] str:join $sep $input-list? \f[R] .fi .PP Joins inputs with \f[C]$sep\f[R]. Examples: .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> put lorem ipsum | str:join , \[u25B6] lorem,ipsum \[ti]> str:join , [lorem ipsum] \[u25B6] lorem,ipsum \[ti]> str:join \[aq]\[aq] [lorem ipsum] \[u25B6] loremipsum \[ti]> str:join \[aq]...\[aq] [lorem ipsum] \[u25B6] lorem...ipsum \f[R] .fi .PP Etymology: Various languages, Python (https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/stdtypes.html#str.join). .PP \[at]cf str:split .SS str:last-index .IP .nf \f[C] str:last-index $str $substr \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs the index of the last instance of \f[C]$substr\f[R] in \f[C]$str\f[R], or -1 if \f[C]$substr\f[R] is not present in \f[C]$str\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:last-index \[dq]elven speak elvish\[dq] elv \[u25B6] 12 \[ti]> str:last-index \[dq]elven speak elvish\[dq] romulan \[u25B6] -1 \f[R] .fi .SS str:replace .IP .nf \f[C] str:replace &max=-1 $old $repl $source \f[R] .fi .PP Replaces all occurrences of \f[C]$old\f[R] with \f[C]$repl\f[R] in \f[C]$source\f[R]. If \f[C]$max\f[R] is non-negative, it determines the max number of substitutions. .PP \f[B]Note\f[R]: This command does not support searching by regular expressions, \f[C]$old\f[R] is always interpreted as a plain string. Use re:replace if you need to search by regex. .SS str:split .IP .nf \f[C] str:split $sep $string \f[R] .fi .PP Splits \f[C]$string\f[R] by \f[C]$sep\f[R]. If \f[C]$sep\f[R] is an empty string, split it into codepoints. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:split , lorem,ipsum \[u25B6] lorem \[u25B6] ipsum \[ti]> str:split \[aq]\[aq] \[u4F60]\[u597D] \[u25B6] \[u4F60] \[u25B6] \[u597D] \f[R] .fi .PP \f[B]Note\f[R]: This command does not support splitting by regular expressions, \f[C]$sep\f[R] is always interpreted as a plain string. Use re:split if you need to split by regex. .PP Etymology: Various languages, in particular Python (https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/stdtypes.html#str.split). .PP \[at]cf str:join .SS str:title .IP .nf \f[C] str:title $str \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all Unicode letters that begin words mapped to their Unicode title case. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:title \[dq]her royal highness\[dq] \[u25B6] Her Royal Highness \f[R] .fi .SS str:to-codepoints .IP .nf \f[C] str:to-codepoints $string \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs value of each codepoint in \f[C]$string\f[R], in hexadecimal. Examples: .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:to-codepoints a \[u25B6] 0x61 \[ti]> str:to-codepoints \[u4F60]\[u597D] \[u25B6] 0x4f60 \[u25B6] 0x597d \f[R] .fi .PP The output format is subject to change. .PP \[at]cf from-codepoints .SS str:to-lower .IP .nf \f[C] str:to-lower $str \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower-case equivalent. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:to-lower \[aq]ABC!123\[aq] \[u25B6] abc!123 \f[R] .fi .SS str:to-title .IP .nf \f[C] str:to-title $str \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all Unicode letters mapped to their Unicode title case. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:to-title \[dq]her royal highness\[dq] \[u25B6] HER ROYAL HIGHNESS \[ti]> str:to-title \[dq]\[u0445]\[u043B]\[u0435]\[u0431]\[dq] \[u25B6] \[u0425]\[u041B]\[u0415]\[u0411] \f[R] .fi .SS str:to-upper .IP .nf \f[C] str:to-upper \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper-case equivalent. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:to-upper \[aq]abc!123\[aq] \[u25B6] ABC!123 \f[R] .fi .SS str:to-utf8-bytes .IP .nf \f[C] str:to-utf8-bytes $string \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs value of each byte in \f[C]$string\f[R], in hexadecimal. Examples: .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:to-utf8-bytes a \[u25B6] 0x61 \[ti]> str:to-utf8-bytes \[u4F60]\[u597D] \[u25B6] 0xe4 \[u25B6] 0xbd \[u25B6] 0xa0 \[u25B6] 0xe5 \[u25B6] 0xa5 \[u25B6] 0xbd \f[R] .fi .PP The output format is subject to change. .PP \[at]cf from-utf8-bytes .SS str:trim .IP .nf \f[C] str:trim $str $cutset \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all leading and trailing Unicode code points contained in \f[C]$cutset\f[R] removed. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:trim \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[dq] \[dq]!\[r!]\[dq] \[u25B6] \[aq]Hello, Elven\[aq] \f[R] .fi .SS str:trim-left .IP .nf \f[C] str:trim-left $str $cutset \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all leading Unicode code points contained in \f[C]$cutset\f[R] removed. To remove a prefix string use \f[C]str:trim-prefix\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:trim-left \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[dq] \[dq]!\[r!]\[dq] \[u25B6] \[aq]Hello, Elven!!!\[aq] \f[R] .fi .SS str:trim-prefix .IP .nf \f[C] str:trim-prefix $str $prefix \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] minus the leading \f[C]$prefix\f[R] string. If \f[C]$str\f[R] doesn\[cq]t begin with \f[C]$prefix\f[R], \f[C]$str\f[R] is output unchanged. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:trim-prefix \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[dq] \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, \[dq] \[u25B6] Elven!!! \[ti]> str:trim-prefix \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[dq] \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hola, \[dq] \[u25B6] \[aq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[aq] \f[R] .fi .SS str:trim-right .IP .nf \f[C] str:trim-right $str $cutset \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all leading Unicode code points contained in \f[C]$cutset\f[R] removed. To remove a suffix string use \f[C]str:trim-suffix\f[R]. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:trim-right \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[dq] \[dq]!\[r!]\[dq] \[u25B6] \[aq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven\[aq] \f[R] .fi .SS str:trim-space .IP .nf \f[C] str:trim-space $str \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] with all leading and trailing white space removed as defined by Unicode. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:trim-space \[dq] \[rs]t\[rs]n Hello, Elven \[rs]n\[rs]t\[rs]r\[rs]n\[dq] \[u25B6] \[aq]Hello, Elven\[aq] \f[R] .fi .SS str:trim-suffix .IP .nf \f[C] str:trim-suffix $str $suffix \f[R] .fi .PP Outputs \f[C]$str\f[R] minus the trailing \f[C]$suffix\f[R] string. If \f[C]$str\f[R] doesn\[cq]t end with \f[C]$suffix\f[R], \f[C]$str\f[R] is output unchanged. .IP .nf \f[C] \[ti]> str:trim-suffix \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[dq] \[dq], Elven!!!\[dq] \[u25B6] \[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello \[ti]> str:trim-suffix \[dq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[dq] \[dq], Klingons!!!\[dq] \[u25B6] \[aq]\[r!]\[r!]\[r!]Hello, Elven!!!\[aq] \f[R] .fi