.TH "parrot_whoami" 1 "" "CCTools 7.1.2 FINAL" "Cooperative Computing Tools" .SH NAME .LP \fBparrot_whoami\fP - returns the user's credentials (id and authentication method) from the perspective of the system being accessed. .SH SYNOPSIS .LP \FC\fBparrot_whoami \fP\FT .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \FCparrot_whoami\FT interrogates the system being accessed at and returns the user's id from the perspective of that system as well as the authentication method being used. The specific results depend on the system being accessed. .PP If is not provided the current working directory is used. .SH OPTIONS .LP \FCparrot_whoami\FT has no options. .SH EXIT STATUS .LP On success, returns zero. On failure, returns non-zero. .SH EXAMPLES .LP To get the user's credentials when accessing a remote chirp server: .fam C .nf .nh .IP "" 8 % parrot_run parrot_whoami /chirp/server.nd.edu/joe_data/data unix:joe .fi .hy .fam .P If you're working within a remote directory, is not necessary: .fam C .nf .nh .IP "" 8 % parrot_run tcsh % cd /chirp/server.nd.edu/joe_data/data % parrot_whoami unix:joe % exit .fi .hy .fam .P .SH COPYRIGHT .LP The Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2005-2019 The University of Notre Dame. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. .SH SEE ALSO .LP .IP \(bu 4 \fBCooperative Computing Tools Documentation\fP .IP \(bu 4 \fBParrot User Manual\fP .IP \(bu 4 \fBparrot_run(1)\fP \fBparrot_cp(1)\fP \fBparrot_getacl(1)\fP \fBparrot_setacl(1)\fP \fBparrot_mkalloc(1)\fP \fBparrot_lsalloc(1)\fP \fBparrot_locate(1)\fP \fBparrot_timeout(1)\fP \fBparrot_whoami(1)\fP \fBparrot_mount(1)\fP \fBparrot_md5(1)\fP \fBparrot_package_create(1)\fP \fBparrot_package_run(1)\fP \fBchroot_package_run(1)\fP