.TH "catalog_query" 1 "" "CCTools 7.1.2 FINAL" "Cooperative Computing Tools" .SH NAME .LP \fBcatalog_query\fP - query records from the catalog server .SH SYNOPSIS .LP \FC\fBcatalog_query [--where [expr]] [--catalog [host]] [-d [flag]] [-o [file]] [-O [size]] [-t [timeout]] [-h] \fP\FT .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \fBcatalog_query\fP is a tool that queries a catalog server for raw JSON records. The records can be filtered by an optional --where expression. This tool is handy for querying custom record types not handled by other tools. .SH ARGUMENTS .LP .LP .TP .B \ --where expr . Only records matching this expression will be displayed. .TP .B \ --catalog host . Query this catalog host. .TP .B \ --debug flag . Enable debugging for this subsystem. .TP .B \ --debug-file file . Send debug output to this file. .TP .B \ --debug-rotate-max bytes . Rotate debug file once it reaches this size. .TP .B \ --timeout seconds . Abandon the query after this many seconds. .TP .B \ --help . Show command options. .SH EXAMPLES .LP To show all records in the catalog server: .fam C .nf .nh .IP "" 8 % catalog_query .fi .hy .fam .P To show all records of other catalog servers: .fam C .nf .nh .IP "" 8 % catalog_query --where \'type=="catalog"\' .fi .hy .fam .P To show all records of Chirp servers with more than 4 cpus: .fam C .nf .nh .IP "" 8 % catalog_query --where \'type=="chirp" && cpus > 4\' .fi .hy .fam .P .SH COPYRIGHT .LP The Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2005-2019 The University of Notre Dame. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. .SH SEE ALSO .LP .IP \(bu 4 \fBCooperative Computing Tools Documentation\fP .IP \(bu 4 \fBcatalog_server(1)\fP \fBcatalog_update(1)\fP \fBcatalog_query(1)\fP \fBchirp_status(1)\fP \fBwork_queue_status(1)\fP \fBdeltadb_query(1)\fP